So.. ive been told to do a report from Shajir, cool by me.
first of all I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for a good time, well run tourney with no BS problems. i F-ing love the UFS player base!!
now down to business
Thursday - not too much to say we drive for ~8hrs get to the room take the walk to get our badges (as amazing as our room was and such, that 40min walk was a bad idea) get rained on, meet up and chat with everyone. head back. go to sleep. not much there...
Friday -
630AM - Tourney Starts:Im asleep when Keith gets the call saying the ATL crew are here. First things first... get under the covers completely. Not 2 mins later i hear "Where's Mike" and proceed to almost be raped by Ben. and slapped like 4 times (this happens a lot). after that we chill get ready and leave
Start to end of tourney: Heres where things get fun
I was running my Chun Li
Keith was running his Zi Mei
and Shajir was running Gill
Round 1 Win
FoxHound VS Revenge of the Clam Chowder
We win the die roll. so first things first we pair chun li against... Blah i cant remember the character, i do remember it was Ian Alexander though It was a win for me 2-0
Keith faces off against Gill loses 0-2
Shajir faced off against Zi Mei wins 2-0
Round 2 Win
FoxHound VS Scuba Squad
Chun Li Vs Scubas Zi Mei 2-0
Zi Mei Vs Chun LI 0-2
Gill Vs Seong Mina 2-0
Round 3 Draw
FoxHound Vs UFS House
We won the die roll, very important. I immediatly wanted Gill so
Chun Li VS Gill 2-1
Zi Mei Vs Chun Li 0-2
Gill Vs Hanzo 1-1
Round 4 Draw
FoxHound Vs RIP Michael Jackson
We ID'd
Round 1 Win
Foxhound Vs Voltron Kitten Force
Chun Li Vs Hanzo 2-1
This was game was amazing for 1 reason. I won game 3 because of the Yi Shan anti discard card dealing 14 damage sweeet
Zi Mei Vs Seong Mina 0-2
Gill Vs Olexa 2-1
Finals Loss
FoxHound Vs UFS House
Important thing here... we lost the die roll. if we won we were hoping for the same pairings as swiss
Chun Li Vs Chun Li 0-2 turn 1 he goes first. i drop a soul my turn spinta, block, passes reversal Hoyoku Sen needs a 5 or better tops a 6 :S
Zi Mei Vs Gill 0-2
Gill Vs Hanzo ??? incomplete
Nice work Guys. About **** time huh lol.
Finals - 1am
Heres where fun times happened. everyone went to Mongolian BBQ (Mongolian Grill in Canada lol) and proceeded to eat/drink. Fun times, especially the Africa Tortilla!!
After this we went to the Hyatt looking for ppl... on the way i was getting my ass kicked by Ben lol lots of yelling AMERICA!! We got to the Hyatt and Bens drunk ass dented some guys car! woops time to go!!! we get in not 2 mins later i get a Ben's Spinning Backfist to my lip... Ouch! We finally find where everyone is and proceed to get drunk. Thanks Jeremy for the amazing navigation skills. As we're leaving some underage girl wearing no shirt walks buy and **** gets weird so we leave lol. basically went back to the room and slept. got harassed by random ppl on the street but whats new huh
6am Shajir wakes up! doesnt he know what a hangover is?! says hes not playing, hell play Twilight Imperium GAYYYYYY.
So i get up get ready and leave, Walking + Sun + Heat + Kinda hungover is a REALLY REALLY bad combination!
Get there. meet up with everyone lets get this started! Shajir decided to play too. Keith decided not too (See record from yesterday)
Round 1 Vs Keenan Meadows' Gill Win 2-1
Keenan Meadows was fronting this gill. but it wasnt a lockdown gill!! no arrows. Game 1 starts fine. then i attacked him on his turn with a spike. he blocked and reversal spiked me... Ouch. Game 2 and 3 proceed better.
Round 2 Vs Dani Carpenter's Astrid Win 1-0
I heard about this deck being a beast. and it was true turn 2 she gets me to 11 and tries to finish me with a weak slash for 12 (WTF ITS SPOSED TO BE WEAK!!!) but i blocked with a spike. next couple turns i play some spintas to keep her board under control spike back to full with powerful style and end it 1-2 turns later i think. We dont finish game 2
Round 3 Vs Shane Duckworth's Hanzo Draw 1-1
Game 1 takes 30 mins!! a chunli vs Hanzo took 30MINS!!! wtf! he kicked me hard. it hurt. i knew there was nothing i could do at that point. Game 2 i win in like... 10 - 12mins. 18 VT is nice. Game 3 we dont finish
Round 4 Vs Magnus' Ibuki win 1-0
I heard this deck was really aggro so in my opening hand i drew all 3 tag alongs and didnt mulligan. my bad he NEVER used her ability. over time he wasnt drawing attacks i wasnt drawing the right ones then i got the kill in hand for game. we dont finish game 2 in time
Round 5 Vs Jeremy Ray's Seong Mina win 2-1
I was scared of this deck! so scared i thought i was screwed. This beat me out of top 8 at CanNats so obv it was worrysome. Game 1 goes as expected he spintad me to death. game 2 he wasnt drawing his attacks and checked most of them. game 3 went almost the same except he checked all his attacks early game
Round 5 Vs Matt Kohls' Chun Li Win 2-0
Final round of swiss what better way than winner take all for diversity? game 1 he had all the control but i got an End It All off then Spinta'd his Healers away, Spinta'd again, Counter the assault for + 4x2 and hoyoku Sen. Game 2 i saw an early spinta spinta hoyoku sen.
5-0-1 King Of Swiss (Sweeet )
Round 1 Vs Garret Buett's Alex win 2-0
top 8s were wierd. it was Canada vs Canada, Ny Vs Ny, Ohio Vs Ohio, then shane and jeremey lol. So i managed to realllly outpace alex, didnt let him use his ability, and he was checking 1s both games
Round 2 Vs Omar Chavez's Zangief win 2-0
Hata had told me this was my worst matchup in T8, I disagreed. Playing Omar is always fun but i had no idea WTF he was doing most of the time. hes really hard to read. game 1 ended... somehow. i cant recall. Game 2 was very similar in that it ended with me commiting his board spike M1 hoyoku sen discard 1 Spike for 11 pass he uses zangief which i tag alonged. He also failed his flying power bomb :S
Finals Vs Paul Bittner's Akuma win 2-1
THIS is what my worst matchup was from what i knew. game 1 was pretty quick end it all did it for me. Game 2 was looooong so he took it. game 3 i let him go first he played some cards i went played some cards he went i reversal heel sniped him and willfuled his power committing his character. my turn spike fully multipled. he had a no memories to block but wasnt matching symbols on his rejection that wouldve been sealed anyways
Final record 8-0-1
Finally got u guys back for stealing our Nats!! lol. sucks that Paul didnt get the 3rd character for UFS house but he did get on cardboard with the asset. im happy i got the first for FoxHound. after some hugs and attempted **** and a flipped table we headed back to pass out cuz it was like 2:15 am.
Drove home yesterday and alls good lol.
Thanks for Having us. as i said i love the players. this tooook wayyyyyy too much writing. now i jsut have to figure out what my characters gonna do