What would you want from a new expansion?

By Galvancito1, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

After the quest compendium, the translation of the RtL, the news about the core game being selling again, and the card teaser we can consider that the time is coming. So what would you like it to feature? We could inspire the game designers to add something we actually are asking for if they read this. Who knows?

These are some things I would apreciate:

Monsters: Balance the groups! When the RtL was released we had 7 kinds of humanoids, 7 kind of beasts and 6 kinds of eldritches. I don't own the ToI, but my guess is the current monsters feature: 7 humanoids, 10 beasts and 8 eldritches. I would like the expansion to balance this to 10 each. We desperatly need a tier 2 humanoid and a tier 3 eldritch. Completing the monsters familys would be a nice idea too. How about an upgrade from the kobold (an imp for example) or a downgrade from the demon (a djinni)?

Overlord cards: The basic deck grows with every expansion (that's not bad) but the proportions favor more and more the spawns. I would like to see more events, traps and power cards. Indeed, I would add 12 cards to the deck: 5 events, 2 spawns, 3 traps and 2 powers. One of the power cards would make the deck worth one extra conquest toquen (or maybe two if it is expensive enought). I would like to see traps that have to do with potions (like poisoning a potion, giving it a side effect or making it useless).

Feats and treachery cards: Yea, add some more. 8 more feats per type would be good, while the treachery cards should be enought with 3 or 4 each. I'm still looking foreward to see the complete list of capital sins as power cards. Before the ToI we had Glutony, Warth, Envy, Pride and Greed. I'm still waiting to see Sloth (can't remember if that card actually exists already) and Lust (how to represent that?).

New plots, avatars and lieutenants: An excuse to make 3 more avatars is to add a way to use some of their stats in vanilla descent. For example, instead of starting with a fixed number of treachery in each color, start with a combination that suits the avatar (give more spawns and less events to the titan for example). There should be something for the heroes to balance this isue.

Heroes: if we have more avatars, then two more heroes would be enough. I would like them to be strange ones (like Karnon and Arvel). For example, 3 black dice in everything but no skills. The character spetial hability would allow him/her for an extra attack with a diffrent weapon every time.

More quests and if possible the addition of a green runed door. Instead of adding a lot of levels to the RtL, I would give options for the existing ones to feature the new monsters. The new Lieutenants would force encounters with the new monsters too.

What else would you like?

Galvancito1 said:

Monsters: Balance the groups! When the RtL was released we had 7 kinds of humanoids, 7 kind of beasts and 6 kinds of eldritches.

I think it would be important to add some monsters with ranged attacks.

In the base game, there have been 4 melee, 4 ranged and 4 magic-monsters, WoD added only melee-fighting monsters, AoD added some melee-fighters and some magic-fighters - but no additional ranged fighters.

Some skills work only against ranged monsters (+1 armor against ranged attacks), and they have become poorly weak in the meantime as most monsters are melee- or magic-fighters.

Moreocer, I think it would be cool to introduce some special floor tiles. For example, Hero Quest added a rotating room - Descent could easily integrate such special tiles.

Pure and simply, I would like to see more RtL stuff. After seeing the game, overall, I don't like Vanilla as much as I used to and love RtL. Or even just a mixed expansion.

So, I would like to see some more heroes and avatars. In general a Dark Priest or Chaos Beast avatar. Also, possibly, the ability to switch out certain avatars for other creatures. For example, switching out the Scorceror King for a Dark Priest, or something like that. I would also like to see more stuff involving the expansions in RTL. I mean, that really could be a box almost all to itself.

I would like to see an expansion in a different setting. I chimed in on another thread about this, and I think the consensus was that a desert or jungle idea would be great.

More monsters (suitable for the setting) and hazardous terrain tiles would be great as well.

I'd also like to see more quests, and rules/guidelines for making your own. I know the editor is out there, but I'd some idea that it's reasonably balanced before I start playtesting.

Graf said:

Galvancito1 said:

Monsters: Balance the groups! When the RtL was released we had 7 kinds of humanoids, 7 kind of beasts and 6 kinds of eldritches.

I think it would be important to add some monsters with ranged attacks.

In the base game, there have been 4 melee, 4 ranged and 4 magic-monsters, WoD added only melee-fighting monsters, AoD added some melee-fighters and some magic-fighters - but no additional ranged fighters.

Some skills work only against ranged monsters (+1 armor against ranged attacks), and they have become poorly weak in the meantime as most monsters are melee- or magic-fighters.

Moreocer, I think it would be cool to introduce some special floor tiles. For example, Hero Quest added a rotating room - Descent could easily integrate such special tiles.

I agree with balancing the melee/ranged/magic monsters a bit, In particular with how they are set up between humanoids, beasts, and eldritch, with humanoids being almost all melee, eldritch being mostly magic, and beasts don't have much melee, but they're decently spread out. And RTL does need more Avatars and plots to choose from, it's nice to see the start of a new plot posted up. While more feats would be cool, I think it could also use a way to better balance feats for RTL, they're a bit overpowered as it is. Maybe the OL draws a card each tiem the heroes draw a card (as a group)?

i would love to see a jungle theme, or an RTL overlay map like they have for runebound (since its the same land).... treasure cards that spit out monsters....more treasure.... more town weapons.....and maybe another familar that can fight..... or maybe mounts for the rtl...

Hammerdal said:

I agree with balancing the melee/ranged/magic monsters a bit, In particular with how they are set up between humanoids, beasts, and eldritch, with humanoids being almost all melee, eldritch being mostly magic, and beasts don't have much melee, but they're decently spread out. And RTL does need more Avatars and plots to choose from, it's nice to see the start of a new plot posted up. While more feats would be cool, I think it could also use a way to better balance feats for RTL, they're a bit overpowered as it is. Maybe the OL draws a card each tiem the heroes draw a card (as a group)?

Well actually that's the way they are. Humanoids are "tanks". They only use melee attacks, but they are the strongest an have high defence. Beast is the most spreaded group. They have melee attacks, ranged attacks and magical attacks, but none of them is so intresetd in damadgina as the other groups. They anoy, but don't kill (with the exeption of the dragon). Now eldritchs are strange. They seem to focus on their own defence and in ways to survive (irnoskin, undying, black curse...). Most of them use magic attacks, but I think that some ranged attacks would suit this group too. How about an eldritch that attacks through obstacles.

About melee, ranged and magic, I think that half of the monsters (no more and not less) should be melee, as the other half would be able to attack from the distance. A quarter for magical and a quarter for ranged sonds good to me. Something like 15 melee, 7 range, 7 magic and 1 morph (the chaos beast).

I'd love to have two expansions:

One big and vanilla expansion with an egyptian theme. I think you can do a lot with it: quicksand, traps, monsters: Mummies, scarab swarms and so on.

Another smaller expansion for RTL which combines Tomb of Ice and the egyptian expansion to RTL: New overland mappieces to add to the north (Ice) and south (desert), new dungeons for these regions and new monster lists for the old dungeons. You can choose to use none, one or both of the additions to the overlandmap if you own none, one or both basic expansions. Of course there are also some new plots/avatar cards and so on..

I personally have all the expansion...I played more RTL than Vanilla Descent. Here are my humble thoughts:

1. More outdoor tiles : Desert, Jungle...perhaps in line with Runebound world and their expansion.

2. City Dungeon tunnel card : Perhaps they can be a series of random Dungeon level which party will enter from a city, then at the end of the dungeon, they will reappear in another place.

3. More Avatar, Lieut. and plots : With ice-theme monster from TOI, I believe there is room for avatar and lieut that will make use of current (from TOI) ice-themed monster and future ones. Other themes are strongly encouraged too

4. Dark Rumours : Things that Lieut. can do. Similiar to Heroes Rumour

5. Hirelings / Allies / Slaves : Let Heroes be able to hire allies (limited to perhaps 1 per hero) or 2 per party so that the downtime for the movement of it will be increased. Additional Allies will allow Overlord to draw more Threats per turn.

6. Different World Map : The world map of RTL, I am not sure which part of Runebound world it is based on Terrionth. I wonder are there other areas in Runebound world that can be translated into a map? Perhaps allow the travel between the both - Variant for 10 players - 2 Overlords and 8 heroes.

I think an expansion which adds the number of dungeon levels, rumours and Avatar Upgrades as RtL is sorely in need. This could easily be combined with a new map and Avatars based on another 6 monsters.

definitevely a LAVA Box for both descent and runebound. i agree on getting sands of al kahim as desert ruins for descent. i agree on a jungle set for both campaigns but prefer a lava set first.

as written on another thread, i would love to get maptiles and monster figures as separate sets to enlarge the world on own command. that would appeal to other types of games like d&d too. their games accesoires are lousy, so fffg take the profit out of it !

i like the Idea of bigger Boss fights to test the Chars. Maybe something like Raid Instances! Healer Classes and an Aggrosystem wouble de needed in that case! but i think it would give an additional task in RtL!

Healing could work like an attack, the numer of hearts you get with dice you can heal!

And i don´t think this is just for the WoW fans, i like Huge fights you have to get ready for, like in Final Fantasy 7 and many other games of that style, and i thing it could propably work with the descent mechanics!

just an Idea though! ;-)

I wonder if they would consider doing some expansions as an "add-on"...

Instead of a whole theme, like Tomb of Ice, maybe they could do smaller expansions of, say, more monsters or terrain tiles. For example, if you had vanilla Descent, and just wanted to add some monsters to it instead of a whole new "campaign", you could get a box that has some of monster A, monster B, and monster C, with a master of each, the stat cards and spawn cards for the OL deck.

For a terrain pack, you would get, say, Lava tiles in the different sizes (not all of them, but a few key sizes) and some trap cards to go in the OL deck.

What do you think?

I would love to have small "booster" type packs personally. BUT - then again - I have played so little of the game but really look forward to RtL!!

BUT - if I could enhance the RtL without having to purchase both of the expansions in between - BUT - still be able to get more traps and the likes - that would be great - my wife would love that solution much more as well. ;)

Just had a small idea pop into my head for a new creature type that would be kind of cool in an expansion.

Enchanted statue or Enchanted armor.

Basicly it would be a 3D model shaped like a knight or something that would be placed in dungeons as backdrop or scenery in various quests or dungeons, and would POSSIBLY activate and attack the heroes under certain cercumstances (Use your imagination here, through the use of encounter tiles, possibly proximity) Or activate and be under control of the heroes to help them (Also be creative with the story here to come up with something that makes sense.)

Dunno, nothing too exiting, just kinda came up :P

Really like that idea zombiemold. Also like the idea about bigger boss/lieutenant fights. The avatar battle should be epic.

What I would also like to see is a bit more exploration in the dungeons and other effects than just fighting. I really like the prison dungeon for example since it gives you another task besides just killing the leader and getting out. It's a shame the prolonged actions were taken away. They are a nice mechanism for a number of cool stuff, like finding hidden passages, activating old levers and stuff like that.

More nice rewards for the heroes should be cool, would like to see more relics that can be used in RTL (so not horribly overpowered). also more options for the OL to customize is army, like giving abilities to his minions for surge costs or something.

I'd like to see some "Background" cards for Heroes in RTL, something that would give your hero a random personnal history fwith a personnal goal to accomplish.

Maybe you can pick the card "Son of a blacksmith" and your goal in to collect a specific gold treasure or you can pick "Family murdered by Manticores" and you personnal goal would be to kill 3 master manticores or something.

Achieving your personnal goal could give you a bonus of some sort or unlock a special ability.

What about LT's figures integration to Vanila Descent (as special quest / level BOSS-es with own figures) or used them in prepared Compendium or way how to utilise stuff which was only one time used (Sarcophag of Ice, dark portals ...)? RtL is very interesting and nice variant of game but mostly is play as Vanila.

Why Narthak looks like normal Giant my Narthak has different looks because his position in hierarchy gives him much gold, different weapons in hand, armors and war experiences etc.... yes is little bit older but still strong .

Why new monsters must be automatically new races / class? It's not good n' clever (be speedy), if we go this way for some months we will had great army of minions but in play we use only few 4-7 of them with same troops stats, so for what is it good? Still (statistics) same Firebeatle, skeleton, mage, wendigo ....

Special Skeleton with sword, axe, mace, slings (with different stats) ... if you want some ranged troops then gives Beastmans bows or possibility take bow from place where was killed Skeleton with bow.

Yes, I agree with all of you and your ideas (swamp, jungle, egypt, boat, see theme goblins, orcs, vampires ... you know what you writte, not only in this thread). But I see that the game progresses too quick. If we exhaust theme heterogeneity what we do than? Game has still unutilized capacity of race, game material (sarcophag Ice / stone, dark portals ...) , mechanizm (traps effects combine them on silver, gold LoC? or add random effects? forex. treasure chest 1 effect on Copper 2 effects on Silver 3 on Gold), rules etc... diversity and instead of this add new ones. Descent is very nice game but fall into shallow - changing theme position (one monster type, one attack, one way how to beat them).

Some months ago (on old pages and here too: http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_foros_discusion.asp?efid=4&efcid=1&efidt=48583&efpag=0#53275 ) I write about Catacomb under temple in town (or simply helps keeper clean cellar) as new quest area, now I see someone (cant remember name) dusted off this idea. Yes agree this is constructive and uses game elements if it will be rumour, dungeon, encounter or playable vanila quest too.

Hey! You gave me an idea! How about a monster (it would be an humanoid) that steals your weapon and attacks you with it: It makes a melee attack, and (if succesful on deal some damadge) rolls a black die. On a surge, it steals one of the targets weapons and is now able to attack with it. Now, the heroes can get the weapon back by killing that monster. This makes the monster very interesting, as it upgrades as so the heroes do. On top of that, it has a reason to attack a powerful hero, as it could get a powerful weapon. Yes, I think this monster could be similar to the cobold.

Also, another way to avoid problems with the lot of spawn cards in the OL deck would be to take out the ones that correspond to certains monsters (chosed by the OL). The total number of spawn cards must be equal to the number of event cards (fewer if no expansion has been added). The deck must include at least, every basic spawn card for the monsters already in the dungeon. This way not every monster appears on every board, which makes the quests somehow more thematic.

Another thing I've being thinking about is the new potion. Every expansion has added a potion (except the RtL, which actually took one out). How about a morph potion? This potion is not complet, it lacks the most important ingredient: blood from the target. The hero must kill a monster and then drink the potion. As doing so the hero transforms into the same monster, and gets its speed, armor, skills and way of attack instead of his originals. The hero retains his wounds and fatige, as well as his spetial hability. Transformed heroes can only advance because that's the monsters only action. Now, at the end of every new turn, he must roll a black die. On surge he transforms back to human (or ork, or dwarf, or whatever he was before). This works somehow as the monkey transformation.

The desert theme looks good, as long as we don't have to see the pyramids again. The idea is too cliche. Ruins and egyptian like temples would work better than a pyramid. The jungle theme allows werewolfs in, which would be similar to the ferrox, but instead of making heroes bleed, would poison them. Worse, they could try to transform them into more werwolfs. As for the lava theme... well... it is already present in the WoD. It only appears in 2 levels, but the volcano one is just insanely hard for players to forget about the lava. Having treachery cards for it would be nice, but you cannot add the card in one expansion and the prop in another one.

What we need is not an expansion, it's a nice box to put all the counters, cards, monsters and tokens nicely. ;)

Like an unfoldable fishing box.

That is very true.....a box that can contain all the Descent stuff

I use 4 (without ToI) sewing boxes. They are light weight, compartmented, clear boxes that perfectly fit all the tokens. There is even 1 double sized compartment per box perfect for fitting those extra large obstacles. You should be able to pick them up at any crafting store.

HellBoundOL said:

i would love to see a jungle theme, or an RTL overlay map like they have for runebound (since its the same land).... treasure cards that spit out monsters....more treasure.... more town weapons.....and maybe another familar that can fight..... or maybe mounts for the rtl...

100% agree! I would like to see the type of support that Runebound gets. With its mini and Modular exapsion decks. More starting equipment or more terasure to choose from for the chests. A map Overlay for Road to Legend (hell they could even reuse the same maps from Runebound, like how they used Basic runebound map in RTL!). As far as new treasure, again! No need to hire new artists. Runebound has a ton of treasure in it, when you add the expansions. Port some of that over to Descent!

More monsters. Maybe monsters with more Cohesion? Pull some over from Runebound! There are great ones there!

Mounts are an excellent idea! Never even thought of that.

Also from Runebound, the ability to have a follower or a pet. Obviously the Overlord would have to be balanced by this. So time to introduce Permant-Event cards! These are like powers, except they are slightly different. They dont simply power up the overlord. They are like the event cards in Runebound! ALso, you could only have no more than one in play. They could become centerpieces in decks.

War-Drums! Drum beats rebound of the dungeon walls. All monsters gain +1 Movement.

Endless dark. Heroes or monsters cannot Line-of Sight more than 6 spaces ahead of them (sorta like Mists, expcept Perm and affects monsters).

I'd like to see more Quests (Obviously). A lot more RTL support. Maybe a way to introduce and convert the dungeons from the base game and expansions into RTL.

Now I'm all excited for another expansion!


They could play some catch up. They could release and Island/High Sea adventure (like Runebound) and then Jump to a Desert type of adventure (Like Runebound as well).

Two really different areas of play. They would have to include new stuff for Vanilla players and RTL players. But hey could reuse a lot of ART that was so awesome in Runebound.

I have 2 things I would like to see.

1) general spawn cards.

These cards would allow the OL to chose between 2 or 4 different monsters to spawn. Maybe even different numbers of monsters. My first thought would be to have similar monsters spawn off the old cards. Like the beastmen spawn card could spawn beastmen or a different critter that has +1 armor and -2 health (or something similar for balance reasons) This would allow the OL to have some tactical choices with spawning in just one card. I think in RTL the spawn choices the OL gets is pretty much reduced to what card gives me silver level critters. This could also allow FFG to introduce stronger critters into existing categories. I do not think the spawn cards should cross RTL critter categories but give more options inside one category.

The big thing here is it would allow new critters to be used in RTL easily. Giving RLT players more reason to buy the new releases This could open up a critter expansion market also, not sure FFG wants to go into that business model but it may work.

2) movement restriction rules for both sides. (something universal would be great)

With the heroes losing grapple the ability to restrict the OL movement inside a dungeon has been reduced to the use of guard. This order often does not prevent the OL from moving the critter he wants to as They can attack the hero with a less important critter and force the use or loss of the guard order. Additionally in RTL heroes often do not kill critters in one shot. This allows to OL to essentially ignore the guard order. Finally the sacrifice of 1/2 a turn is pretty steep cost for the guard order if it is used to control the battle field. The heroes need some new tactical way of controlling monster movement.

The OL also needs this affect. With RTL dungeons becoming speed runs I think the game would be better served to have more tactical defence choices instead of just putting a critter on something you want to protect.

I think this rule should have an affect between aura and grapple. (grapple is too strong, while aura is too restricted)