Can anyone help me with the following questions please ?
1. Can you assign a soldier with a non-specialised icon (say TEAMWORK icon) to a specialized icon (ie GOLD TEAMWORK icon) ? I am assuming yes, but would like clarification please.
2. When a card says you may add one dice to a given task, does that mean 1 dice for every attempt at that task (ie when pushing your luck) or is it only 1 dice for 1 attempt at the task (in other words only once). I assume it is for all rolls against the task but don't really know ?
I have been through the rules and FAQ and could not find definitive answers to these questions. May have missed it, but do not think so.
One follow-up if I may ? What is the earliest round someone has had the final mission drop (and on what difficulty, in case that matters) ? Does the invasion plan effect this ?
Thanks everyone.