High Respect to Everyone who Turned Out for Nationals

By MattverSSJ3, in UFS General Discussion

This was my first year at a National tournament and it really was amazing seeing all of these big personalities come together, in more or less my back yard, to beat each other up with paper and foil. I myself wanted nothing more than to get to the top 8 upon which I would be ejected for diversity. This fleeting hope was actually made possible this time around thru a combination of minimal play errors, a crap ton of multiples, and Mountain Dew. I went all 6 rounds of swiss with Chun-Li, without sideboarding into my Tag Alongs or SoCs (or at ALL really), without Makai High Noble (opted for Return to Southtown instead), without Ira Spinta, and WITH Chun-Li's asset.

My only real loss for the day came about to Paul Bittner (much love) who managed to run the field with three SoCs, and Evil Doer Destroyer (much hate) which found my Multiples as impotent as Bob Dole. Props also to Simon, my first round opponent who probably has the strongest Ninon I've ever seen, who gave me the hardest job all day of squeeking out a win. Allen will more than likely never read this, so thank you for our combined 10 minutes of play time in the third round so that I could get a little more practice before the real opponents (half j/k). I played Garrisson in game 4, and as much fun as I had fighting his amazingly crafted Sakura, a field full of Controller of Souls was sadly not enough for him to avoid getting Feline Spiked. Martha in game 5 made me sweat a lot too. Hanzo is pretty scary, no matter the gender of the person playing him. I was just lucky enough to have a mid block and a Hoyoku Sen in my hand (plus two momentum) in that final turn of hers. Finally Magnus, I hand you the keys to the top 8 and you come out of it with no character card of your own? That's it man, you're dead to me!! (totally joking dude, you can come by and feed me +0 high blocks all day long; it'll be great) When all was said and done, it was an honor to get bounced out of the top 8. I main boarded Chun-li knowing full well that this was the most probable outcome, but this was also going to be the last chance I had to run Chester's and LotM (I don't give a crap about Olcadan's) which meant that she would almost never be that powerful again. All in all, I think it was a great dash to the finish at the end of the race, and even though my Chunners didn't cross the line, at least a Chunners did (gratz Mike).

On a separate note, some simple news updates: Spiral Arrow banned, Nats will be in FFG headquarters next year, Scott Gains is squeezably soft, and Chubbs does NOT make a good nudist. More on these stories as they develop (not really). Thanks again to everyone for a fantastic play environment and I hope to see everyone again at worlds in August. Good night and have a pleasent tomorrow.

Ha! Your signature is funny, I had him in my room 3 nights in a row, that must come close to the most time with our friend Allen.

Grats on your good showing, glad you had fun, and props to you and your locale (everyone in Ohio) for being great hosts.

- dut

ps. wtf - Allen lasted 10 mins vs. Chun-li !!! I coulda 'Spike Li'd' the fire Guy refusing to run Bitter Rivals in 5 mins np. No wonder you got diversified... (half j/k)

MattverSSJ3 said:

On a separate note, some simple news updates: Spiral Arrow banned, Nats will be in FFG headquarters next year, Scott Gains is squeezably soft, and Chubbs does NOT make a good nudist. More on these stories as they develop (not really). Thanks again to everyone for a fantastic play environment and I hope to see everyone again at worlds in August. Good night and have a pleasent tomorrow.

a lot of douches that used spiral arrow that wanted to sell it to coolstuff before this info got out btw

and im glad mr herr was in the way of me seeing chubbs

This is interesting, another banning outside of the sotg. This is rare especially on a card ive never seen played. Granted I know what the card can do but still never seen the thing :/


Shouldn't we wait for FFG to confirm Spiral Arrow's banning?

Although I'm sure he was serious, it could've been an attempt at light humor due to its usage?

Steve seemed pretty serious about the ban. He told just about anyone who asked, said that he was going to announce it in the SotG, made that big public announcement... I could go on but I'm bored now.

You have to know that any given time spent with Allen comes out to about 25% action and 75% listening to him talk about how great he is.

I'm totally getting Allen online to see this. :P

Also, its typically ettiquette to let Horvath announce potential bannings himself. BUT given your nub status, we will let you live with only the mildest of flames.

Again, sorry I failed on saturday with illness and could not hang out / judge (was not needed regardless). Sorry I didn't see anyone on Sunday (I'd assumed you're all left already).

Hope to see yous at Gencon (pending unexplained sickness).

What DID you place matt?

showing up for JUST friday teams and sitting there waiting to draw orange cards all day was pretty epic.

Apparently you have been pardoned for not STFUing on a particular subject.

Henceforth the harsh tone of this post has been toned down. Fortunately it'll get lost in the shuffle.

I am so soft hehe, oh baby!

Scott Gaines said:

I am so soft hehe, oh baby!

Soft to the touch. I assume Chubbs can attest.

Steve said Wendsday we will know for sure what will be on the ban list for july so stay tunned. Also in case it was mentioned Nats from know on will be at FFG head quarters no more badges at origins.

Meh, I just assumed that when Steve said "It's ok to tell people about Spiral Arrow." he meant it. I may be a nüb forum-wise but I know people, and the man was sincere. I hereby accept your apologies.

Rock On.

Scubadude said:

Steve said Wendsday we will know for sure what will be on the ban list for july so stay tunned. Also in case it was mentioned Nats from know on will be at FFG head quarters no more badges at origins.

Why is it that every time I hear something about Horvath it is something that inherently pisses me off yet it is not really his fault?