
By HansHoekstra, in Imperial Assault Campaign

Hi All,

Q; can i rest two times in my deployment.

Greetings Hans Hoekstra

Yes, your figure can spend both actions resting in a single activation.

Edited by Fizz


Unless you are close to getting forced to withdraw, you might want to focus on the objectives rather than rest twice. That clock is usually running.

Unless you are close to getting forced to withdraw, you might want to focus on the objectives rather than rest twice. That clock is usually running.

The heroes in my campaign would disagree with you. I like leaving them close to the brink of wounding so they are in constant fear of being killed by a Stormtrooper. Nothing more embarrassing than being hit, and wounded/withdrawn, by a Stormtrooper.

A hero who rests twice is almost as ineffective as a hero who is withdrawn. Plus, they start trying to cover their damaged figures. It's cute to see them scurry around trying to thwart my evil plans.

Edited by Fizz

Plus, they start trying to cover their damaged figures. It's cute to see them scurry around trying to thwart my plans for galactic peace and order.
