Any good variants on how to speed up the tech tree process?

By SuperKalelJorson7, in StarCraft

One of the gripes in our group is that in a normal game you'll never get to the big units. If we started everyone out at all three level 1 buildings would that give a faction more of an advantage than it would to some of the others?

We tried adding extra events in stage 1 and 2 and making it a 30 point game, but that got to be just a tad grueling.

A possibility would be two researchs with one order, or you start the game with certain techs like Infest Command Center or such.

I’ve read, although never played, in part because if think it may be unbalanced ( and also because I’ve played way to few times), a variant when you build the first assist unit of a kind you get the cheapest assist unit.
But I think the idea of being able to researching two technologies with one Special order more just.

Another idea:

Since Conquest points are most valuable in many games (easy victory), at the end of each step 6. of Regrouping Phase (gain Conquest points) you could buy one additional technology, spending CPs instead resources.

For example: "Nuke" technology card costs 1 mineral and 2 gas, so you have to pay 3 Conquest points for it.

That's also an interesting mode for people who don't like Normal Victory or "End draws near" victory.

Or using a conquest point to be able to do one more buy, paying the normal price for the card...

After thinking about it, I still recommend to start the game with certain techs one hasn't to research in the video game too.