YBtC Competition #4: R2-D2

By awayputurwpn, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Congratulations to DanteRotterdam.

I would like to see someone a bit more obscure next time. at the risk of alienating only those who watch the movies, I would request Hondo Ohnaka as the next victim. Otherwise, if we stick to purely OT characters, I would like to see Jabba the Hutt. Either way we get adversaries that others can use in their own games to pit against their PCs.

Edited by kaosoe

I would like to thank the academy, my parents, God in whom I don't believe, awayputurwpn for making this contest, and... hey, wait don't play the music yet!

Jabba for sure, what with the LONH book being out. Hutts are totally doable. (I think I threw up a little)

Yeah, ancient hutts are not playable races though... A young Jabba perhaps?