Unusually, the web page for X-Com's Support ( http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_minisite_sec.asp?eidm=269&esem=4 ) does not have PDFs of the rule book.
Why is that? Is it coming?
Unusually, the web page for X-Com's Support ( http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_minisite_sec.asp?eidm=269&esem=4 ) does not have PDFs of the rule book.
Why is that? Is it coming?
The rulebook is in the app, which is free to download from the game support page.
And I am not particularly happy about this... The tutorial is great and helps you get into the game quickly, but there are enough situations (even between games) where I would like to have a rulebook PDF around to look up particular questions... So it would be nice to see one get somewhere...
why if you can read a pdf you can fire up the app?
Yes the app is comprehensive, but I still miss the manual. The app allows you to search rules by topic. I would need something like a manual which explains the execution flow of the game. What we have to do instead is to follow the tutorial and only then read what is still unclear topic by topic. I see we have enough support to understand the game, but the manual would have been a nice plus to have. I'm wondering if someone has written something unofficial.
Edited by IkonI agree a PDF would be nice to reference. Especially for answering peoples questions on these forums, I don't want to have to open the app while I'm at work if I could just open a PDF. way easier to get away with. lol.
Actually the old fashion manual would have worked as a tool for designers to sort their ideas out and don't ship a game with such lacks into rules! Maybe in that case people didn't have to go on forums and ask for clarifications
people will always have questions.
I really wish they'd made a separate rule book. I really want to play this game, but every time my group tries, we get bored and frustrated as we scroll through pages upon pages in the tutorial section without understanding anything that's going on (although I suppose that playing it at midnight might have something to do with it...
). A tutorial should just have the bullet points. And making your way through the rules in the app is really confusing, since they're cataloged in an easy reference sort of way rather than in a way that helps you learn the game.
I really don't understand why you're having trouble with the tutorial in the app.
Read it all. Don't skim, actually read everything step by step (including the short leaflet as it also has some useful info). It literally tells you everything you need to know step by step, and even switches off the timer in rounds 1 and 2 so you have time to digest and understand everything properly.
Also don't worry about understanding strategy in the first game as it's unlikely to click until you know the mechanics.
EDIT: I'm sorry, that comes off as pretty aggressive/dismissive, which wasn't the intention. Could you go into more detail about where you're having problems? Might help with understanding the issues.
Playing when rested is probably also a good idea
maybe even try a solo game so you understand everyone's role and can explain it to them if they have issues.
You're probably right . . . I think the problem that we're having is that, well, that's a lot of reading. Especially since only one person is really doing the reading (since the app is on their phone and all), and then passing on info to everyone else. While they're reading, the rest of the group starts to drift off and forgets what's going on.
I just really wish that the tutorial gave a simplified version of the rules, and that you could actually just read the rules in a rule book format. Obviously everyone else managed to figure it out, but for us, it's just been annoying.
(I mean, seriously, how hard would it have been to give us a rule book? Sigh . . . it bugs me.)
I'll try a solo game, though, and see how that goes. Thanks for the advice!
There is now a rulebook. You can download it from the support section on the game's page.
I guess if enough people ask for it...
Yeah, they put up a post on the 11th March (here https://www.fantasyflightgames.com/en/news/2015/3/11/uncovering-the-alien-agenda/ ) which has pdf downloads of the insert that comes with the game, the rules which come with the app and an overview which I believe is new and not on the app.
Edited by Kendraam