Mesmerism and Talisman quest involving a follower

By Baump, in Talisman Rules Questions


Please help to settle a dispute over the rules:

Player 1 played the Talisman quest and was supposed to dispose of his follower in order to receive a talisman. He kept playing as normal because he did not have the follower at that time. At some point in the game, Player 1 finished his turn by picking up a follower and technically finished his turn, without disposing of his follower to receive the Talisman.

Player 2 started his turn by casting the Mesmerism Spell, enabling him to take the follower that Player 1 previously picked up.

As a response to Player 1's spell, Player 2 said that he chooses to dispose of the follower to receive the Talisman.

Now, I claim that Player 2 cannot dispose of his follower after Player 1 cast the spell, because it was not his turn and he can either use a counter spell or the amulet to prevent from player 2 to cast the spell on him; player 2 claims that he used his right to dispose of the follower as a response to the spell, enabling him to receive the talisman card.

What is the right action here?

Thank you!

A confused Player 2

It doesn't actually say anywhere that a quest can only be completed on a player's turn. However, on the first page of the rules leaflet for the Frostmarch, it states that:

"... quests must be completed as soon as possible..."

meaning that your friend should have been forced to lose his/her follower during his/her turn.

As far as Mesmerism goes, any player can at any time ditch any follower (basic rulebook) unless the follower expressly forbids it. However, if it were allowed as a response to Mesmerism, the spell would be completely useless since it specifies that you take a follower from another character . So, I would say that you cannot lose your follower as a response to Mesmerism. But in your particular case, the other player should have lost it's follower during it's turn.

Brilliant! Thanks for your prompt reply.