New Campaign - Play testing ideas?

By Evilmasteryoda, in Imperial Assault Campaign

I’ve got a large backstory here but to just say, we have played most maps 6 times, others 4 to 5 times. My group switched back to descent until some more expansions come out.

Reason being the game is on easy mode because they now know all the secrets from the imperial player, which was a cool concept but lowers reliability. A couple of guys want to play a mission if I make some new ones. I’m going to play test them myself.

I’m making new maps for just the main story line and it will go like this

Intro – Victory determines which map you go to next

1 st Story Mission – Two Maps 1 for imp victory 1 for reb victory from Intro

2 nd Story Mission– 1 map, gets bonus depending on who won from 1 st story

3 rd Story Mission - Two maps, 1 for imp victory 1 for reb victory form 2 nd story Mission

4 th Story Mission – 1 Map, gets bonus depending on who won Story 3

Finale goes to who won the most out of the Previous 5 parts of the story. Two different maps.

How I’m going to play test it so it can play with the normal campaign log:

Each map I will play test 10 times solo against 4 rebel characters. Each one of the missions plays until the rebels WIN or the Empire knocks all of the rebels off the map. It will follow that each side mission was a won at least one hero reward. Each Shopping I will let one of the hero’s have 1 best item out the current item deck, and several others. After story 2 the empire will get its reward from one of its force missions automatically won and its reward, same at story 4 to make it balancedish play testing.

Based on how many rounds until rebels win or empires win I will put some round counters in place. IE if the rebels won the mission in 6 rounds 75% of the time on the Intro I will end the game at the end of turn 5 for empire victory.

If the empire wounds all 4 rebels by end of round 7 75% of the time I would end the mission at the end of round 6 for rebel victory.

And then just to have two missions in the system were its Kill Leader or Kill all hero’s period no round limit. Base the place to put these missions based on how much threat is needed per round to make it about 50/50 win. We like these missions a lot for our group, I just have to base it on threat generation mechanic much harder to playtest.

Does this seem like a good way to play test these custom missions? Any suggestions on play testing stats to look for?

*EDIT* This is played using all side missions you would draw and forced missions using the same campaign log. Empire Bonous would be less chest then normal, and rebel victory would be more chest then normal (ie 3 vs 5)

Edited by Evilmasteryoda