Threat between tasks on missions, and rolling with tech questions

By Tridus, in XCOM: The Board Game

Hi. Loving the game so far, we even almost won!

One thing I'm confused about is threat on missions. Say I start a mission, and take two rolls to beat the first part. If I start the second part, is threat now at 3?

Also, if an enemy only requires one success to kill and I use something like the alloy cannon tech to put a success on it, can I avoid rolling and boosting threat at all? Or can you only use that after you roll?


Yes, for the Squad leader the threat stays between tasks in missions. (Resets to 1 between Base Defense and Missions)

To the best of my knowledge you can use it before you roll, you just need to have the appropriate classes to fill the requirements.

Agreed on both accounts.

I do have a question myself though. The crisis card that says you cannot attempt a task more than 3 times - does that mean if I have 3 enemies in the base, I can basically only try to kill each of them one time? Or, even though the threat doesn't reset, each enemy is considered it's own task?

Agreed on both accounts.

I do have a question myself though. The crisis card that says you cannot attempt a task more than 3 times - does that mean if I have 3 enemies in the base, I can basically only try to kill each of them one time? Or, even though the threat doesn't reset, each enemy is considered it's own task?

Each enemy is its own task.

Awesome, thank you. This community is super helpful. :)


Check out the FAQ section of the app. Its got a lot of cool stuff there.

As everyone has stated, you are correct on both accounts.

The FAQ has a scenario dealing with your second question, saying that you only increase threat if you actually roll.

Which is why you should use the auto-kill weapon upgrades to kill a weak enemy without rolling when you have the opportunity.

I have to disagree with the first part on the OPs question. You do not start the next task in the mission at Threat 3 if it only took you 2 rolls to complete the first task. You only have to increase the Threat if you roll dice to "push your luck" for the current task. Once you have completed a task, you move to the next one at the current Threat. You don't reset back to 1 per the rules for Missions, but you don't have to increase it either because you are starting a new task. Starting a new task is not "pushing your luck" in the same sense even though it is a Mission and not a regular task. Please find me somewhere in the rules where it specifically states that you have to increase Threat BETWEEN tasks in a Mission so I can change my understanding of the rules.

The Rules-section for "Threat" do say "After a Roll's effects are applied, threat automatically increases by one". To me, that means even if the second roll is successful and kills the alien/clears the objective, threat is still increased and stays for the next task.

Yes, for the Squad leader the threat stays between tasks in missions. (Resets to 1 between Base Defense and Missions)

To the best of my knowledge you can use it before you roll, you just need to have the appropriate classes to fill the requirements.

Yes that specific example (number 2) is detailed in the FAQ in the APP.

You ASSIGN before you roll so anything that is tied to ASSIGNING can avoid the role.

If you have not already done so, the FAQ is worth looking at as it goes over a few example like this.