Rules clarification: potions and glyphs

By refinery, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

1. What happens to a potion once a hero drinks it? Is it returned to the common pool or is it completely removed from the game and not used again?

2. Similarly, what happens once the overlord spawns a new area and has to place a potion down? Is it taken from the common pool or discards? If taken from the common pool, what happens if there are no potions available there? Same question applies to potions acquired from cards and chests.

3. Does a hero have to be on top of an activated glyph to use it and return to town or is being adjecent to it enough?

Thank you.

refinery said:

1. What happens to a potion once a hero drinks it? Is it returned to the common pool or is it completely removed from the game and not used again?

2. Similarly, what happens once the overlord spawns a new area and has to place a potion down? Is it taken from the common pool or discards? If taken from the common pool, what happens if there are no potions available there? Same question applies to potions acquired from cards and chests.

3. Does a hero have to be on top of an activated glyph to use it and return to town or is being adjecent to it enough?

Thank you.

1) Goes back into the common pool.

2) Takes the potions from the common pool. If there are not enough potions, the OL doesn't place any

3) Well, I know for RtL the hero can be adjacent to use it. I think it basically be on it or adjacent and spend a movement point to go through.

Being adjacent to or on the glyph at the start of your turn is a RTL thing (and you cannot attack and then go through a glyph). You still have to move onto the glyph and spend a movement point to go through, of course. In vanilla descent, you have to move onto the glyph and spend a movement point to go through. You can attack first and don't need to begin your turn on or adjacent to the glyph (in vanilla descent).

Thank you for the replies so far. And yes these questions are in regards to vanilla as I don't own RtL yet.

I assumed that glyphs would be similar to chests which can only be used if a hero is standing on top of them, so I'm glad to see that I have been playing that correctly. However, I interpreted "store stock is limited" rule to apply to potions (as you buy them in the town store) so I have been completely removing them from the game after use, which made it slightly harder for the heroes. So I take it that I should allow heroes to purchase potions that have been consumed? And that the only time that potions would be unavailable would be if the heroes are carrying them all? What is then stopping heroes from making constant trips to town to heal (well besides the overlord deck running out)?

Also I can't seem to find anything about this in the manual. Is there an a source for this ruling?

Thanks again.


Nothing stops the heroes from going to town often and buying potions. It's their way to survive.

Of course, they will eventually run out of money (50 coins per potion) and if they spend too much time shopping, you have more time to spawn monsters. Also don't forget that a hero cannot go to Town and come back the same turn in the dungeon.

You can find a summary of rules for potions here:

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Well this will now certanly make the heroes is my games happier as they would usually run ou of potions half way through. Although the link provided states nothing about this specific issue, it's still seems like a great resource. Thank you for providing it.

Schmiegel said:

Being adjacent to or on the glyph at the start of your turn is a RTL thing (and you cannot attack and then go through a glyph). You still have to move onto the glyph and spend a movement point to go through, of course.

No, you do not need to move onto the glyph and spend a movement point in RtL. You simply go straight to Tamalir, no MP spent, no action declared.

RtL pg18
However, to move through an activated glyph, a hero must begin his turn on or adjacent to it. Then, rather than being placed on the town marker (which is not used at all in the Advanced Campaign), the hero returns to Tamalir.
A hero returning in this way is placed in the building of his choice, and may immediately claim the benefits of “restocking” there.

FAQ pg 10
Q: Can a hero traveling to town via a glyph take any action before Restocking, such as attacking? Does returning from town still cost 1 MP? What other limits are placed on heroes in town and using glyphs?
A: A hero who begins his turn adjacent to or on top of an activated glyph has two options: take a normal turn or go to town. If he goes to town, he is immediately moved to the building of his choice and gets to Restock there. No movement points, no declared action – he just Restocks.