Cleave + Bleed (Nexu)

By Kilazar, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

Ran the Spice job last night and ran into something we could not confirm or deny in the book.

When the Nexu hits and does a successful damage we know the target will auto bleed. But what happens if he surges to cleave. Does the target of the cleave also bleed? Since we could not find anything otherwise, we played it that yes the cleave target gets the condition as well.

In addition to that question, how would that work if the bleed was surge powered instead of auto? Would you have to surge per target? Or could you only bleed the first target if the above question is answered as "we did it wrong"?

Rules reference p8:

• If an attack inflicts a condition, such as Stun or Bleed, this
condition is applied only to the target of the attack and not to
figures affected by Cleave.
So no, only the main target is affected by bleed-


I knew it was somewhere in the book, I just could not locate it. Admittedly we were mid mission and didn't want to hold things up.