Also, How do Psykers channel through force weapons and what are the mechanics?
How do Psykers channel through force weapons and what are the mechanics?
It's in the 'weapon special qualities' section on page 170.
Focus Power Test as per the norm, albeit without any Psy Focus bonus or anything. Then on a successful test, you get Psy Rating x d10 damage dice and Psy Rating penetration on the attack.
I personally nerf it down to Dark Heresy level, where instead you add your Psy Rating to damage instead of adding extra dice per Psy Rating, I think. Purely because I saw a Psy Rating 6 Psyker push to 9 with a Force Sword. Obscene.
Awesome! Viva la Psyker-cheese. That is also stupidly ridiculous, on the part of that actually works. I'm a psyker-fan, and even I'm slightly smacking my head. Thank god there aren't usually ranged Force weapons, or the Heavy would be retired.
Psycannons much? Psilencers? Of course there are.
Just why I use Dark Heresy Force Weapon rules.
Not the cannon, least not in TT, but I still feel a bit dumb
I don't feel like digging into my DH books for them, to see if I was spacing them there.
Focus Power Test as per the norm, albeit without any Psy Focus bonus or anything. Then on a successful test, you get Psy Rating x d10 damage dice and Psy Rating penetration on the attack.
I personally nerf it down to Dark Heresy level, where instead you add your Psy Rating to damage instead of adding extra dice per Psy Rating, I think. Purely because I saw a Psy Rating 6 Psyker push to 9 with a Force Sword. Obscene.
You could get extra dice if you won the opposed Willpower Test from channelling extra power into/thru the weapon with DH Force Weapon Rules.
Psycannons much? Psilencers? Of course there are.
Just why I use Dark Heresy Force Weapon rules.
Psycannons use different rules from Force Weapons. You don't get same of kind of extra damage potential.
Psilencers use Psy Rating for fire rate, I'm pretty sure. Not directly impacting damage per hit, though you could get more hits.
But yeah, as brutal as DH Force Weapons can be, they're a lot less overpowered.
It's also DoSxd10, not PRxd10 extra damage. And you can only attempt this Focus Power test (which costs you half action btw according to only war, so no aiming/moving/guarded attack/etc. allowed the same turn you use this ability) if your attack actually managed to deal damage which is not a guarantee. On top of it, force weapons are usually near unique, some being extremely rare. Just like dual-wielding inferno pistols - if you thought force sword is crazy, you ain't seen nothing yet.
It kinda helps knowing the actual rules before discarding them.
Edited by Chaplain
Kind of helps that I saw the actual rules in action, and let it run consistently for months of RL time, THEN discarded the rule after the campaign had finished, so as to ensure consistency was obeyed.
Thanks for making assumptions, though.
Focus Power Test as per the norm, albeit without any Psy Focus bonus or anything. Then on a successful test, you get Psy Rating x d10 damage dice and Psy Rating penetration on the attack.
extra dice per Psy Rating
If you used that for several months - that's several months of disregarding the actual rules, then discarding "them".
You are welcome.
Edited by ChaplainAn error in what was said on the forum. Nothing more. Nonetheless, it is an incredibly powerful item that allows Psykers to one hit kill any number of things by successfully dealing a single point of actual damage, whereas the Nemesis Force Weapons in Dark Heresy, as per Daemon Hunter, limit to a single extra dice that ignores armour and TB, as far as my understanding goes, which is a far more reasonable property compared to multiple extra damage dice that all ignore armour and TB and allow a properly melee competent Psyker to obliterate most opposition with negligible difficulty.
the Nemesis Force Weapons in Dark Heresy, as per Daemon Hunter, limit to a single extra dice that ignores armour and TB, as far as my understanding goes
And as far as rules are concerned, and I quote,
In addition to normal Damage, whenever a psyker wielding any kind of Nemesis Force Weapon damages an opponent with it, he may, as a Free Action, channel psychic force into the weapon. This requires an Opposed Willpower Test. For every degree of success, the force weapon’s wielder deals an additional 1d10 Damage, ignoring the victim’s Armour and Toughness Bonus.
Now, this is starting to get embarrassing, so please, take your time, familiarize yourself with the actual rules, compare Only War Force weapons with items of the same base availability, and then we might have a discussion on the matter.
Edited by Chaplain