Force Move - Canon Edition

By whafrog, in Game Mechanics

This is for people who think the RAW Force Move power is OP, and doesn't quite fit the flavour of canon uses of the Force.

Second draft:



1. Base power is significantly hampered by the Enc 2 limit. Perhaps it goes too far?

2. Strength upgrades are limited to 2. You can still get to Silhouette 4, but you need to spend 3 pips total, not 2.

Edit: added XP costs, added explanatory text in image.

Tear it up... :)

Edited by whafrog

Maybe the Encumbrance is too far but the rest of the just awesome! :D

At Mastery I would add as option Athletic, Coordination or Discipline.

I'll show it to my players.

Thank you so much!

Edited by Josep Maria

Thanks Josep. I thought of Coordination, but I felt like it needed to be opposed by "strength" of some kind, either strength of body or mind. But Coordination could work too...example might be that scene in TCW where the Clone catches the DNA jar in the air before Ventress can pull it to herself.

Update with XP costs...

In some of the Control upgrades, you mention the various upgrades purchased. I would think it would be the upgrades that are activated.

For example: Control Throw - "… has a maximum range equal to Short plus any Range upgrades purchased activated…"

Good catch, thanks. I'll probably leave this for a while, because the Beta is over and the full core book is coming. If the question pops up on the F&D (non-beta) board I'll repost it there with corrections.

Edit - Clarification: for the Damage aspect of Control Throw, I really did mean "purchased", in other words, it's not necessary to active the Strength upgrade with the basic throw, you still get the benefit. The Control upgrade below Control Throw adds yet more damage without having to spend pips, and also allows the user to spend pips to increase damage even more. Since there are only two Strength upgrades, I didn't think it was overpowered, and also felt this was necessary to bring the damage output to something approximating a weapon. Curious what people think about that...

Edited by whafrog

Honestly it is much more complicated the RAW...

I think I much prefer RAW.

It's a bit more complicated, but RAW Move is pretty nebulous. The other Force powers are more structured, and I don't think this version is more complicated than any of those. Plus, the upgrades are based on existing mechanics (weapons fire, Sunder, etc), it's just a matter of codifying the application.

Anyway, if you like RAW, then you're okay with the RAW power level, so this version wouldn't be of interest.