So, in our Thursday night SWRPG game at the FLGS, our GM is starting over with an F&D campaign. And we’ve all got characters that are generated using the “Knight Level” rules, e.g., +150xp after initial character creation.
This past game, we had the first scenario where a new PC came in, and he had the Move power. He found a way to get FR2 plus most of the Strength upgrades and the Hurl upgrade, but he didn’t get any of the Magnitude upgrades. At least, not yet.
In the first scene in question, we came upon a room where three large stones were set around a central raised area, and between the images carved on the walls, the GM description, and some good Knowledge (Lore) rolls, etc… we came to the conclusion that we were seeing some of the Muntuur Stones .
We were then “reminded” of the legend of the Muntuur Stones, and how Jedi Master Ferlen Snee was the only one to have ever lifted all seven of them. If you read the page linked above, you may note that Master Yoda was only ever able to move five of the stones in question 1 .
So, our new friend proceeded to roll and got four white force pips, and easily lifted one of the stones there. A good achievement for a Padawan, according to the legend.
But then we realized that if he had only spent a few more XP on getting the four Magnitude upgrades, he would have been able to easily lift nine Muntuur stones with this many force pips — one force pip to activate the power, one force pip to activate all his strength upgrades (which could take him up to Sil 4), one force pip to activate his four magnitude upgrades (to get five stones), plus a fourth force pip to again activate all four of his magnitude upgrades (and add four more stones to the list).
Everyone at the table, including the player who had rolled four white force pips, agreed that this situation was way OP.
The next scene in question was when we were finally facing the BBEG and his lieutenant. The move-using PC had been imprisoned by them after they lied to him about the reason for wanting to hire him to come do some work for them. So, when it came time for our group to face them down, he walked up to them, and used Move+Hurl to throw one of them into the other. Thus immediately causing Sil*10+successes damage to them. If they had not had a decent level of Soak, that probably would have caused them to exceed their WT immediately, and ended the encounter right then and there.
You can argue about whether or not he should have been allowed to get within range of them. You can argue about how much conflict that he should have taken in doing that kind of action, before they had actually attacked us.
But nearly killing the BBEG and his lieutenant in one shot, by knocking them together? If he had taken one of the larger Muntuu stones that was present in that room, he could conceivably have done Sil 3 or Sil 4 level of damage to each of them, and completely and totally squished them.
I am no longer convinced that I know what the right solution is to this problem with the Move power.
However, now that we have seen it in action, all of the people at that table are now equally convinced that this power is way, way OP.
Unless/until FFG fixes this problem, our only hope is that we can find a way to restrain our uses of this power, so that we don’t just make the game into a cartoon version of squish-a-mole.
1 — Note that the Muntuur Stones are apparently considered to be Canon, and appear in the book “ The Jedi Path: A Manual for Students of the Force ”.
Edited by bradknowles