Gandalf hero rules questions

By Strategian, in Rules questions & answers

1) Can other heroes use their resources to help Gandalf pay for the top card? For example, could spirit Pippin plus Gandalf each pay 1 resource to pay for Unexpected Courage?

2) Can other heroes use their resources pay for the top card without Gandalf? For example, could tactics Merry pay 1 resource to pay for Halfling Determination?

1. Yes

2. Yes

I have some doubts about second one...

I think the answer is yes to both. I don't see anything in the text to suggest otherwise. It does not say "Once per phase, you may use Gandalf's resources to...." It just says "you may do this."

If this effect were printed on an attachment, maybe we would more easily say "yes, this is an effect granted to the player and not only to the attached hero." But since it is on a hero it is more tempting to read it as limited to that hero, Gandalf. Reading the text, though, it doesn't look limited in that way, it doesn't say Gandalf needs to contribute resources to the play...

Thanks for the answers so far. One more question, if I may: Can Gandalf also use his resources to pay for neutral cards in hand or only the top card?

His resources are neutral by definition, so yes he can pay for neutral cards in your hand

But remember, that you can still play attachments and allies in planning phase only (as rules allow), and that you can also trigger Gandalf's ability only once per phase. The fact that the top card of your deck is treated as it was in your hand does not change this in any way. I'm writing this, because it was a little difficult for me during play to get used to it, the more difficult when there was some great attachment or ally on top of my deck and I was already after planning or I have just used G's ability during planning and the now-on-top card was just screaming " play me! " ;)

Thank you for all the replies. FFG (Caleb Grace) & Tales From The Cards agreed with us.


1. Gandalf’s ability allows you to play the top card of your deck as if it was from your hand, so you can pay for it like any other card you play from your hand. That means you can use resources from other heroes you control (as long as there is a resource match).

2. Yes.

3. Resources from Gandalf’s pool can be used to pay for neutral cards played from your hand.

Tales From The Cards:

1. Yes, other heroes can help pay for the top card. This is because Gandalf's ability states that you can play the top card "as if it were in your hand", meaning that you treat it literally as if you were playing any other card in your hand, including other heroes being able to pay for it.

2. Yes, for the same reasons as above.
