Beastman Fetish and Enslaved

By Piccettino, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Is it possible to use the Beastman Fetish to reroll the black dice when in the final battle you are enslaved to prevent the OL to control your hero?

Beastman Fetish allows the hero to reroll one die on his turn. The enslaved roll is done at the start of the hero's turn. That seems fairly straight forward. The hero would be able to reroll the enslave roll.

It would be worth sending this question to customer support though, and hopefully have it appear on the next FAQ. I don't think it was intended to be able to re-roll the enslaved die. The enslaved effect is already unique in that it always gets applied and can't be removed. So I'd think that similarly the die it rolls cannot be modified.

Brother against brother is already a very weak card since it required heroes training in a city at gold level, meaning that they can use secret masters without worry. It would become nigh worthless in ToI with the fetish.

I'd agree though that per the current rules, it would allow a re-roll. What I am suggesting is only a house rule.

edroz said:

Beastman Fetish allows the hero to reroll one die on his turn. The enslaved roll is done at the start of the hero's turn. That seems fairly straight forward. The hero would be able to reroll the enslave roll.

But once the roll has been made, the hero is under control of the OL who wouldn't want to reroll it!

Without having checked the actual wording...
IIRC, 'control' of the hero for that turn, is decided by the result of the dice. This, to me, indicates that although it may say 'at start of turn' for the dice roll, this is not the same as other 'start of turn' effects and perhaps should be considered literally 'at' the start of turn - ie very first thing. At this stage it could be argued that no-one has control until this has been resolved, or that this is not actually 'part' of the turn, since control has not been established.

Any which way, it seems to me that the Beastman Fetish could not be used. Either;
- the heroes turn has not yet begun - therefore cannot use the fetish since it is not 'during' the heroes turn
- control of the hero is still in dispute - therefore the hero player cannot use the fetish as he is not in control yet
- the hero is controlled by the OL - therefore it is the OL's choice to use te fetish or not.
(all assuming a surge has been rolled)

Frankly, as has been said, Brother against brother is such a difficult card to use against a competent group of heroes, and very expensive too, so weakening it further is unreasonable.