New teaser from FFG...

By pinkymadigan, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

FFG seems to be building up to GenCon. They have been posting a lot of news lately. Hopefully we will see one or more small expansions for RtL announced before or at GenCon. The teaser mentions a "new plot deck". The question is, is the plot deck a separate expansion or part of a complete RtL expansion? The teaser card also mentions "Ice Path tokens" which would be new.

Looks good.

Free plots for RtL is a good idea on their part, especially if those free plots are part of a greater expansion.

I hope the plot is another overland token focused one. They aren't used to their full potential in the eternal darkness plot.

That starting plot card is brutal though. With it most OL keeps are only 2 turns away from Talimar.

I want them to release an Alric figure wearing iceskates now.

I just had a vision of the Subzero guy from The Running Man.

Recording which trails have icy path counters between sessions might be tedious.

If the progressing plots are purchased after every n trails are icy, the map could become filthy with counters :P

snacknuts said:

Recording which trails have icy path counters between sessions might be tedious.

If the progressing plots are purchased after every n trails are icy, the map could become filthy with counters :P

Easiest thing to do would be just go to Boardgamegeek, grab one of the overland map images and highlight the trails that are affected.

Very cool! Free stuff is always welcome.