List every game mechanic you have screwed up :P

By Zombiemold, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Im sure a lot of us have started playing a campaign maybe for the first time, or even for the second or third :P and we butchered a rule or game mechanic that we seemed to look over or mis-understand. This thread is where you can post all of the silly mistakes you have made.

I am probably the worse case scenario in screwing up game mechanics as you will see by my list:

To 21 years old, and my imaginary friends say that I am very

1: [RtL] I didn't realize that we needed to even use a reinforcement marker to limit spawning, I played several campaigns ignoring this rule.

2: [All] I completely miss understood how treachery worked and bult my deck using ONLY treachery cards (I thought the number in the symbols were how much treachery I started with >.<)

3: [AoD] I ignored that cursed items gave you curse tokens.. :P

4: [RtL] I read somewhere that dungeons had 3 levels, but I thought the rule applied to special dungeons or that the dungeon would say if it was multi leveled or not, so all our dungeon weeks were 1 dungeon long.

5: [RtL] Based on above, that means I never properly awarded heroes the appropriate money / exp.

6: [All] I didn't know that to use corrupted glyphs I had to pay for them using my treachery, I thought that I pulled them out randomly from a bag and placed them on the board whenever a glyph was present, which, I thought, added mystery and intregue.

7: [RtL] I didn't realize that all power dice used by creatures matched the color of the campaign (ie all power dice added to attack in silver were silver dice :P )

8: [All] Just learned that monsters can move through each other (via the faq) (I however know the heroes can't)

This is where I stop emberassing myself... :P

I've made tons of mistakes, but most of them were just misunderstandings that the FAQ cleared up.

For a very long time I had missed the rule that the heroes got to re-pick one skill when selecting skills. (vanilla).

Zombiemold said:

7: [RtL] I didn't realize that all power dice used by creatures matched the color of the campaign (ie all power dice added to attack in silver were silver dice :P )

8: [All] Just learned that monsters can move through each other (via the faq) (I however know the heroes can't)

This is where I stop emberassing myself... :P

Can you cite #7? I'm sure I could be missing something, but I don't think that's the case. Doom would still only be one upgrade (+1 black or silver->gold/black->silver).

As for number 8, all figures can move through friendly figures (heroes through heroes, monsters through monsters).

Dark Power, and Bash also (in addition to Doom) include mechanics that would add power dice to a creatures roll

Right, but they only add one upgrade, not the an upgrade equal to the level of the campaign. For example, a silver master skeleton with doom in play can roll a silver and a black or just a gold as his power dice, if I have the rules right. I can't find what you've stated in RtL about always rolling the same level as the campaign anywhere.

pinkymadigan said:

Right, but they only add one upgrade, not the an upgrade equal to the level of the campaign. For example, a silver master skeleton with doom in play can roll a silver and a black or just a gold as his power dice, if I have the rules right. I can't find what you've stated in RtL about always rolling the same level as the campaign anywhere.

Well its very possible I pulled that out of my ass, because I can't find it anywhere either, not sure where I heard it. Thought I am now clear on dice upgrade and how they work :P

Zombiemold said:

pinkymadigan said:

Right, but they only add one upgrade, not the an upgrade equal to the level of the campaign. For example, a silver master skeleton with doom in play can roll a silver and a black or just a gold as his power dice, if I have the rules right. I can't find what you've stated in RtL about always rolling the same level as the campaign anywhere.

Well its very possible I pulled that out of my ass, because I can't find it anywhere either, not sure where I heard it. Thought I am now clear on dice upgrade and how they work :P

Okay cool, just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything, it's easy to miss rules in this game. I think I've read each manual somewhere in the neighborhood of ten times each as I make myself reread them when I screw something up.

Zombiemold said:

Dark Power, and Bash also (in addition to Doom) include mechanics that would add power dice to a creatures roll

And just to be sure, Bash only ever rolls black dice, never SIlver or Gold.

Big Remy said:

Zombiemold said:

Dark Power, and Bash also (in addition to Doom) include mechanics that would add power dice to a creatures roll

And just to be sure, Bash only ever rolls black dice, never SIlver or Gold.

QFT, good catch, hadn't really even noticed.