[FEEDBACK SOUGHT]: Player Action Sheets

By GM Hooly, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Very cool!

This is beautiful (I was planning on making my players one just like this - Except you did it first and better to save me the trouble)...

...My only thought is; Since Maneuvers are resolved before Actions, shouldn't they go on the left of the sheet?

True, but A comes before M :)

Hey...the moving range bands thing seems odd to me. I thought you only spent a manuever to move one range band...so why do you have to spend two to move from Long to Extreme?

Because that's what the rules say? :huh:

Change range increment
Performing this maneu­ver allows a character to move between short and medium range relative to another person or object. This also allows characters to move between me­dium and long range by performing two maneuvers , or between long and extreme range by performing two maneuvers . When covering long distances, mul­tiple maneuvers do not have to be performed on the same turn, but the character is not considered to be in the new range increment until all required ma­neuvers have been performed.

In actual fact, I'm wrong in the sheet. To go from Short to Long, it would require 3 maneuvers.

Edited by GM Hooly

Looks good, nice job. Two things though, a little less border and more space devoted to the info in larger font. At the game table you want to be able to see the reference quickly and small text doesn't help. Second, DC mentioned, don't get hung up on alphabetical just go with what matches the rules.

When are maneuvers resolved before actions? Can't you fire then move?

Yeah, now that I’ve printed these out, I agree that the type is a little small.

I like the feel and presentation of the border around the text, but the focus should be on making the text as readable (and relatively large) as feasible, while also preserving as much as the flavor as possible. But if push comes to shove, function should win out over form.

IMO, of course. ;)

these are great, very nice formatting and design,

the entry for short to long was probably supposed to be medium to long?

Looks good, nice job. Two things though, a little less border and more space devoted to the info in larger font. At the game table you want to be able to see the reference quickly and small text doesn't help. Second, DC mentioned, don't get hung up on alphabetical just go with what matches the rules.

Adding another vote for larger font, even if that means less cool-looking border. I was squinting a lot at similar info on the GM screen during my first session, mostly because my eyes are as old as the rest of me and I could use new glasses. :) But a bigger font would be best, especially in lower-light conditions.

Another way to get some space... while the dice symbol translations are nice, I think anyone playing after the 1st or 2nd session will have them down. So dropping those would give a bit more space for the other text.

Another way to get some space... while the dice symbol translations are nice, I think anyone playing after the 1st or 2nd session will have them down. So dropping those would give a bit more space for the other text.

Or you could make them a bit smaller, in trade for making the rest of the text a bit bigger.

Excellent! You've done the work for me. Would you mind sharing these in whatever format you created them in? (Word?). That way we could make house rule changes or personal preference edits (see posts above).

Thanks so much, these are marvelous! I too was in the midst of making something similar, but I'm thrilled not to. =)

You mentioned a Star Ship Dashboard, but I can't find it. If that's something similar to your Manuevers sheet but for Starship Combat, I would sing your praises and wash your feet.


Try this thread for the Starship Dashboard:


These are very handy! And they look great.

I do like the border graphic, but all that brown and gray would be hard on my ink. If the border graphic could be scaled back, the text could be larger, and that would also solve the issues of it being too small.

On the bottom of the Advantage sheet, you've got Success and Failures paired, then Advantages and Threats paired. They cancel each other out, so that's a nice visual reference. But I think there should be a line between Triumphs and Despairs, since they don't really cancel each other out. Perhaps also, put a tiny Success and Failure symbol next to them to remind players that each also represents an extra Success and Failure in the roll.

These look great! I would like to add my voice to the crowd asking for bigger fonts for content and shrinking the decoration a bit to do so, and of course, taking these all the way to the edge of the sheet for borderless printing.

Looks good... Although why does activating a force power and assuming a guarded stance have an average Computers check beside themselves?

Edit: (Not meaning to be snarky at all, but I think that may be a misprint/copy error, it really does look great and I have every intention of using these with my group).

Edited by Agatheron

I've got a few editing nit-picks for the "Action" column.

You've got some typos in the "Attacking Different Sized Targets" section. It should say:

When attacking a target two or more silhouette larger than the attacker, the attacker reduces the difficulty of the attack action check by one. Similarly, when an attacker is attacking a target with silhouette two or more size categories smaller than the attacker , increase the difficulty of the attack action check by one.
Just little grammar cleanup stuff - fixing a few words, making the term "silhouette" consistent with how FFG uses it, and replacing the semicolon with a comma.
The "Improvised Weapons" section could be reworded for clarity:
When attacking with an improvised weapon, use the Melee skill to perform the attack. The check automatically generates [threat].
Finally, you aren't quite right on the rule for "Attacking an Engaged Target" - the attacker using melee doesn't automatically add [boost] for attacking a target with a ranged weapon. The rule is:
If a target used a ranged weapon while engaged on their last action and has stayed engaged, any attacker using brawl or melee adds [boost] to the attack.
Edits for the "Maneuvers" column:
Under "Guarded Stance" the last sentence should probably be:
However, they also gains melee defense +1 until the end of their next turn.

In addition, you could probably cut the clause "When a character is confronted by the enemy" from the beginning of the first sentence. It is just fluff, it isn't rules relevant, and it will save you a line.

Finally, and this is super-picky, you should have a comma after the word "loading" under the "Draw, holster, ready, or load weapon" subheading. Whether you normally use a comma or not after the second to last item on a list, it is the style used elsewhere throughout the document.

I find it a little odd that you twice mention the modifiers for attacking a prone character (under "Attacking a Prone Target" and "Drop Prone or Stand from Prone" but never mention the modifiers for attacking while prone (add [setback] to roll with brawl or melee, no modifier for ranged).

Also, I would love to see the modifiers for making a ranged attack while engaged with an opponent added to the chart - you tried to incorporate it into the difficulties for making ranged attacks under "Perform a Combat Check" but you didn't account for the fact that those modifiers apply when attacking someone other than the engaged enemy - if engaged with an enemy but making a Ranged (Heavy) attack against someone at long, the difficulty is 5 (3 for attacking against long range + 2 for attacking with a Ranged (Heavy) while engaged. It might be easier to change the difficulty to 1+Modifier for all the ranged weapons at engaged range and then add the chart and its explanation.

Please don't take this as me being super-picky. I'm really excited to use your chart and it looks generally looks great, so I want to help you make it be the best that it can be.

That was awesome editing...thank you, and sorry guys for the computers listing...that was poor quality control on my behalf and I think had more to do with me doing that at 0030 hours than anything else :)

After some corrections and awesome feedback:

Player Action Sheet v.1.4

This is great. I was considering/intending to prettify some of the bare bones versions from the resource thread but this is much nicer. And it is perfectly readable by my why-haven't-you-bought-new-glasses-yet old eyes. :)

Now if you'll apply the same care to the Advantage/Threat sheet, I'll print them back to back for my players' character folios.

Edit : Oh yes. You have it titled Advantage / Disadvantage, and it really should be Advantage/Threat yes?

And I really understand the creative chaos of 0300. Ideas flow, but sometimes the fingers lag. :)

Edited by Admiral Terghon

Okay, so I printed a few of these off tonight, and took them to our Thursday night game.

First off, the white text on yellow background, or yellow horizontal lines on a white background — that just doesn’t work at all. Virtually impossible to read when printed out.

Also, the yellow borders combined with the brownish background of the folio design, that actually hurts the eyes — almost as bad as bright blue on bright red (or vice-versa).

Everybody loved the material, and clearly a lot of thought went into the design, but these color choices didn’t work.

A potential factor here is that my printer needs to have the OPC belt replaced, and I’m running low on toner (especially yellow), but I think that this is a potential issue that a lot of people might have, and so these results are still valid to take into consideration.

Thanks again, and I really look forward to seeing version 1.5!