Hi all,
I don't normally like Forums, but since I have fallen for UFS again; I couldn't resist joining this one as people on here don't seem like 'those people' you get on Forums that just slag each other relentlessly with no context.
Path of the Master was my comeback into the game and my Girlfirends introduction (With a very respectable 2 win, 2 loss 1 draw result behind her after 1 month of play).
I never thought I was going to get a deck together as I couldn't find anything that worked for me. Even when it clearly should have been working; somehow things never went right... Then I found CC hacking... Then I found more CC hacking... And some more. I thought back to my older decks and how the thrill of all or nothing play brought my games to life so i thought "I'll make a deck that either has control from turn 1, or loses".
With this in mind; I built my Sophitia deck and found although the rule of turn 1 control worked far better than Ci could ever imagine; she didn't just lie down and die if she didn't get the early drop on my opponent... YAY!
I drove up to POTM with my girlfriend Fiona, Joe (the birthday boy), Kyle and Alex. I tried not to let slip my fear of a 5-0 defeat, but it was very much there.
Round 1. 1-0 Win: Vs Edie (Sorry if i've mis-spelt your name) and her Ivy
With nerves up I got to go first and managed to get a complete lock out in my opening turn: Forethought, Bloodruns, Aquakinesis and Olcadans. This combined with my second and third Forethought turn 2 made her Edie's turns very short. Due to lack of Attacks finding their way into my hand (considering I was playing 4-5 cards a turn too), the game went on.... and on...... and on some more where I was spewing foundatinos and Edie couldn't do anything. I could feel her soul being slowly removed from her and felt nowt but guilt as I could do nothing to stop the painfully slow game (and nearly mill myself out trying to draw into attacks).... 38 painful minutes into game 1 I finally have 2 plasma beams in hand. I drop the check with Forethoughts and commit to pass, then go for the kill (Blood runs on the blocks)... My deck worked but was soul destroying... Sorry Edie!
Round 2. 1-0 Win: Vs ? and his Sakura
I had proven to myself my deck could work (Since I had only played 1 test game before POTM)! Now to see how it goes against an Aggro deck - And a SPIKE one at that. Thankfully Spike has that wonderful 7 diff and CC hacks really like that, so by Mulliganing into 2 Blood Runs and turn 2 Forethought, I was is a strong position. Round 1 win took 32 minutes and was just about to attakc when time was called in Round 2. Was a fun deck to play as a few times spike went off and nearly followed up with another.
Round 3. 1-2 Loss: Vs ? and his Zi Mei
I was confident and cool. I got early control of the game in round 1 and dominated after taking a few early hits, then stopping every turn short. I then thought "hmm this one could be tricky" and decided to side into Victor for Reanimating goodness.... Or not! For the next 2 games; Reanimated never came to hand, nor did any of my 20 CC Hackers... Lesson learnt: DREW, DO NOT SIDE YOUR CHARACTER EVER AGAIN!
Round 4. 2-0 Win: Vs ? and her Sagat
I was shaken by my loss and made some critical errors that left me on 4 HP, my opponent having more foundations than ME! NOT GOOD!... but then 3 High Plasmas with a tapped out opponent and 3 blood runs sorted that out. Game 2 I was able to dominate the field early with lots of CC control and patiently bided time for the kill.
Round 5. 1-0 Win (Should have been a draw): Vs Ross and his Vega
HOW MUCH ANTI-CONTROL?????? If it wasn't for double Blood runs, Forethought, Program Malfunction and Olcadans by turn 2, I would have lost before the handshake. Got the win game 1. A very slow game 2 where with some extreme amount of luck, Ross couldn't find his attacks. I had such a slim chance of defeating him with all his anti-control (Chesters, Oral Dead, Red Lotus, DESTINY [grr], Makhai High Noble), so it was me waiting on 3 or more Beams and Ross wating on his second attack.. Time was called, but Ross deserved the win of game 2.
I left swiss 4-1 feeling good and didn't really expect top 8 as I never do... I was very happy when I found out I was in top 8 with 5th place... A glimmer of hope for the underdog team Drew and Sophitia!
Round 6. 1-0 Win: Vs ? and his Zi Mei
OF all the characters to face; why the only one that beat me! Thankfully I remembered my lesson and thought I can do this... Turn 1 hand: 2x Forethought, 1x Spirit of Athens, 1x Anti K', 1x Program Malfunction, 1x Olcadans.
Got the early control and just had to wait for attacks to come... but it did take 30+ minutes.
Similar story for game 2, only with Blood Runs this time. GOt my attacks together, then time was called... 1-0 will do for me to get me through.
TOP 4!!!!!!!
Round 7 1-1 Loss (Under 1st Blood game 3): Alex and his Chun-Li
I was expecting a whitewash defeat from the Large-Thigh'd wench that is Miss-Li. I was very lucky to have an answer for her ability most turns (Either Pomel Smash or Tag Along). It was grueling and gruesome, but I got the 1st win after 40 MINUTES!
Round 2 was another story... Alex got mad and the feet went flying as he revealed his secret weapon: WILLFUL!
Complete surprise as he suddenly started passing attacks and doing nasty damage (No spike thankfully).
It got close: I was on 5 HP and Alex had one attack left in his deck; and it was in his hand. Melancholic needed a 7 to pass. I double forthoughted and threw out an Ostrasized the check... Alex looked at his staging area, sighed... ... "Fai... ..." A handy gesture from behind "you can pass it" made him re-obtain the attack form discard and double check his staging area... Exact tap out to pass!
There was my glimmer of hope for a final seat removed in untimely mannor. Horrible, but were he not a friend I would have called for Judge ruling on the end of turn... However I got to see a friend batter me round the face with 3 copies of Ninon in her spinning glory.
First blood on Game 3... First to get an attack wins! I side into my 4 Mega Spikes... Need a Beam or Spike turn 1... No attacks, so I mulligan................... NO ATTACKS!
Cant afford to let Chun-Li effect kill me, but by the fact he hasn't mulliganned, I know what he has in had... Spinta!
A battle well fought from both sides and my most intense and fun match to date... Revenge shall be mine next deck!
Tied 3rd with Joe and his Donnovan. Alex lost out to Mark and Akuma, but we all left in high spirits.
My girlfriend came in top half of the rankings after her 1 month of playing and her OWN deck (contrary to Sagat ladies prtests and testiments; Fiona had been testing against 4 of the top 8 at POTM for the whole month... who better as teachers).
My first post (and a very long one).... Next one will be short and sweet - promise!