So dissapointed by the new site

By PaleKing, in Support

I have to give feedback because I really am so so dissapointed by the new site.

It has changed from a vibrant informative exciting site into a clumsy, crass, shopfront. It no longer looks like a place to come and find out about the games, it just smacks us in the face with "BUY ME!" banners and adverts dominating the screen. If I check out a game I get huge banners filling the top of the screen and large adverts for other games at the bottom of the screen. Sandwiched somewhere in between is a section on the game that now has a reduced number of articles and resourses and invariably a couple of clicks-worth of exploring leads to a "purchase now" screen imploring me to buy the game. The whole experience is off-putting and frustrating. And while I'm here - what's with teh Flash sound!? Sound?! I was under the impression that imposing sound clips on people's browsing experience is pretty much universally panned.

Sorry to be negative but the new site is a big step backwards.

Why is it that the only people in the world that enjoy annoying flash animation and loud sounds become "web designers" and impose it on the rest of humanity that hates it !?

littlewars said:

Why is it that the only people in the world that enjoy annoying flash animation and loud sounds become "web designers" and impose it on the rest of humanity that hates it !?


I don't actually hate it, but I found that funny anyway. happy.gif

I think it would actually be better to have their flash animations in the "about" section of each game, or something like that. Since the flash animations are really only going to be cool a couple of times, and since you are only obligated to go to the about section a couple of times (before you own the game even; the crucial marketing step) it would make things a lot smoother for the community.