How can inactive monster groups be activated?

By Funkfried, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


In a discussion prior to playing Rude Awakening from the Lair of Wyrm campaign the question "how can inactive monster groups become active? Came up. Can the overlord abuse the summoning of his raven farmilars to activate a currently inactive group, as the group should activate when any monster from this group suffers damage?

Input would be welcome.

Rulebook lair of Wyrm, page 4: "The overlord player cannot activate inactive monsters or affect them using Overlord cards unless specifically stated in the quest rules."

I think the answer is there: "cannot affect them using Overlord cards"

The damage from the ravens is an effect from an overlord card, so... no.

As long as I know you can just open door with a monster to activate them. Im going to play the same quest as OL next Saturday. Let's develop our strategy here =D

FFG worded the rules about inactive monsters pretty carefully. If they are inactive, there is no loophole. You cannot get them to activate by really any means other than fulfilling the requirement in the quest rules for them to cease the "inactive" status. OL's may be evil, but they can't always get around the rules.

Edited by Zaltyre

As long as I know you can just open door with a monster to activate them. Im going to play the same quest as OL next Saturday. Let's develop our strategy here =D

Funkfried, what monster group are you going to use for this?

I'm thinking of goblin shamans. I have Durik the beastmaster with 1 knowledge - curse will hurt him badly, he won't be able to summon wolf. But maybe you can think of something more effective? (I'm still new to this game)

I'm one of the heroes for once, so I'm trying to give our overlord as few hints as possible ;-) but yeah Beastmaster without a wolf is crippled, so not a bad idea going for shamans. Personally I would go for something that either stuns or immobilizes to prevent the heroes from carrying the survivors or reaching them for a "book" test, allowing them to move for themselves.