Rogue Trader to Dark Heresy 2nd Edition

By Cogniczar, in Dark Heresy House Rules

In response to this thread , I've endeavored to flesh out a Rogue Trader in Dark Heresy 2nd Edition format. So far, here's what I have. The way I see it, seperating the Warrant of Trade and the Dynasty Aspect of the Rogue Trader works the best. Feel free to discuss pros or cons Shadow.


Dynasty Scion Background

Imperial Navy Background

Navis Nobilite Background





Elite Advances:

Explorator Elite Advance

Warrant of Trade Elite Advance

Navigator Elite Advance

Void-Master Elite Advance

Xenarite Elite Advance


Edited by Cogniczar

Very nice work!

For some reason I cant open the Seneschal document.

The pilot role bonus allows the pilot to hit an enemy vehicle on any facing? There will be situations where this will be a bit odd if for instance the enemy vehicle is parked such that a facing is inaccessible. How about tweaking the role bonus towards manoeuvring, like spending a fate point to do a fantastic manoeuvre.

Edited by Alox

These are really nicely put together. What are you using to make them?

Nice work indeed...but isn't the seneschal better in any way than the Sage? I don't have this one in front of me so I'm asking...

Very nice work!

For some reason I cant open the Seneschal document.

The pilot role bonus allows the pilot to hit an enemy vehicle on any facing? There will be situations where this will be a bit odd if for instance the enemy vehicle is parked such that a facing is inaccessible. How about tweaking the role bonus towards manoeuvring, like spending a fate point to do a fantastic manoeuvre.

You read the pilot role bonus wrongly. It allows an -incoming- attack to be changed to a facing of the Pilot's choice (due to fantastic maneouvring).

Try opening the Seneschal document again. Not sure why it's not working for you. If you still can't open it, I'll look into re-uploading it.

These are really nicely put together. What are you using to make them?

Thank you cps. I use Word Word 2010 with images either taken from other documents or tweaked with Photoshop

Nice work indeed...but isn't the seneschal better in any way than the Sage? I don't have this one in front of me so I'm asking...

The Seneschal has different Aptitudes to make him much more socially capable than the Sage role. Their role bonus is fairly similar, but different. The Sage can get a number of bonus degrees of success on logic or lore tests equal to their Intelligence Bonus. Seneschals in comparison simply reduce the time to perform those same skills in as little time as possible, and can get an extra degree of success on a Commerce or Inquiry test.

Never knew Word could be that useful. Huh. Anyway, notes:

The Dynasty Scion gets Leadership as an Aptitude. Leadership is next to useless. It also isn't an Aptitude keyed to the background's skills and talents (I guess Air of Authority does, but that's not a talent in DH2 core) which is the case for the backgrounds in the core book.

For the Navigator, I'm not sure what you're going for with the custom aptitude. In DH2 core, the psyker aptitude (presumably you're paralleling this?) is a bonus aptitude, not one of your core ones. All other backgrounds offer a professional aptitude (as opposed to a characteristic).

Your roles diverge from the patterns in the core book in two ways:

1. Core roles have 3 characteristic aptitudes, 2 professional. Excepting Seneschal, yours are reversed.

2. Core roles 'double up' one characteristic (aptitudes to pay cheapest cost of characteristic advances). Your seneschal doubles up on 2 characteristics.

I'll wrap up with pdf with the talents/traits/special stuff I'll have to port along with the rest of this stuff.

Addressing your points.

Dynasty Scion: Leadership as an Aptitude is pretty weak compared to the others. Intelligence might be a better choice in this regard.

Navigator: I began by aping the Astra Telepathica background, which offers Defense or Psyker. In this case, I intend to expand more on the Navigators giving the Navigator aptitude some uses. The inclusion here in the Navis Nobilite background, as well as being awarded it for the Navigator Elite Advance, directly mimicks the Astra Telepathica Psyker aptitude, and gaining it again with the Psyker elite advance (thus allowing a free choice)

Your roles diverge from the patterns in the core book in two ways:

1. Core roles have 3 characteristic aptitudes, 2 professional. Excepting Seneschal, yours are reversed.

2. Core roles 'double up' one characteristic (aptitudes to pay cheapest cost of characteristic advances). Your seneschal doubles up on 2 characteristics.

I did this intentionally to set these apart from the core pattern. Do you think this is a bad idea?

I did this intentionally to set these apart from the core pattern. Do you think this is a bad idea?

Without running the numbers it's hard to say. I feel like characteristic aptitudes are more useful, but that's more of a gut feeling. FFG may have done it that way for a reason or I could be giving them too much credit.

For my second point, I definitely think that part's a bad idea. I think RAW you can only get 2 cheap characteristics if you optimize but with yours it allows for 3.

Very nice work!

For some reason I cant open the Seneschal document.

The pilot role bonus allows the pilot to hit an enemy vehicle on any facing? There will be situations where this will be a bit odd if for instance the enemy vehicle is parked such that a facing is inaccessible. How about tweaking the role bonus towards manoeuvring, like spending a fate point to do a fantastic manoeuvre.

You read the pilot role bonus wrongly. It allows an -incoming- attack to be changed to a facing of the Pilot's choice (due to fantastic maneouvring).

Try opening the Seneschal document again. Not sure why it's not working for you. If you still can't open it, I'll look into re-uploading it.

Oops, read the pilot description wrong. I like the current version.

I still cannot open Seneschal, and I get other fishy things happening when I open Dark Reign documents more than once. Something is not right with the configuration of the cloud somewhere....

With regards to aptitudes I agree with cps that changing around the number of professional vs characteristics aptitudes might not be a great idea.

The imperial navy background, shield of the emperor: The substitution of degrees of success using Willpower bonus, is that for any success on shipboard action? So he can basically never succede with less than willpower bonus? Or am I reading that wrong? And how does this ability stack with void master elite?

Re-rolls of failed checks: While I am not particular against you using this, I just never really liked talents/abilities granting rerolls. They scale in a funny way, from being quite useless when you have low skill to borderline overpowered when you have high skill, like a multiplier bonus. A more "boring" additive bonus scales better.

Edited by Alox

Certainly am going to go and make some changes then on yours and cps' advice.

I'll review the Imperial Navy role bonus in a little while - my young child is forcing me to youtube surf children's videos making it hard to respond much today. XD

Small bump to say I've made changes to bring the Roles in line with the established pattern. Imperial Navy bonus changed as well. This should work for the better now.

This is actually really cool and useful, kudos to you for doing such a great job!

Add Explorator Elite Advance and an Expanded Talents document (porting all the missing ones from Only war and Rogue Trader) The Talent document is still very WiP, so don't consider it finished (I have to go over it a few times to make sure I caught everything to make it run smooth in 2nd edition Dark Heresy).

I did this intentionally to set these apart from the core pattern. Do you think this is a bad idea?

Without running the numbers it's hard to say. I feel like characteristic aptitudes are more useful, but that's more of a gut feeling. FFG may have done it that way for a reason or I could be giving them too much credit.

For my second point, I definitely think that part's a bad idea. I think RAW you can only get 2 cheap characteristics if you optimize but with yours it allows for 3.

You can get a maximum of 4 cheap characteristics if you optimize.

Feral/Arbites (picking Defence)/Assassin (picking BS) has cheap BS, Perception, Toughness and Agility.

Feral/Administratum (picking Social)/Desperado has cheap BS, Agility,Toughness and Fellowship.

You can get a maximum of 4 cheap characteristics if you optimize.

Feral/Arbites (picking Defence)/Assassin (picking BS) has cheap BS, Perception, Toughness and Agility.

Feral/Administratum (picking Social)/Desperado has cheap BS, Agility,Toughness and Fellowship.

In the beta every role was balanced against the others to have 3 cheap, 3 mid-range, and 2 expensive characteristics so this problem of players having to make the correct choice didn't exist.

The illusion of choice, everybody.

Link doesn't work...can someone reup files?

Sadly, we haven't seen Cognizar in such a long time that I can't say.

Did you advance on your psychic supplements?

I've worked on advancing it but haven't formatted or published the updates yet. Soon

Weee, Congizar is back! And have not known your Deviantart page before, got to take a look.

Congizar, you are awsome :D

Does anyone have these files somewhere? Specifically I'm looking for the elite advances.

I am also looking for this... Want to move Rogue Trader to DH2 rules set! :)

Edited by Valyar