Hello everyone. I am a recent player of the Gears of War Board Game and my friends and I are having a blast with it. I was hoping to get the 1st expansion that's print on demand, but I can't seem to find it. Can someone help me? A link to the page would be awesome.
Where is the First Expansion?
This game is now officially out of print I believe. I just checked both Miniaturemarket.com and coolstuffinc.com and neither have it in stock. You may have some luck if you contact Fantasy Flight directly. I wish you luck in finding it and if I run across somewhere that has a copy in stock I will do my best to let you know!
Just found it in stock here: http://www.greatboardgames.ca/gears-of-war-mission-pack-1.html
Thanks for the help Devon. Unfortunately I don't see the option for shipping into the States there, only in Canada. I'll keep looking. Its a shame such a fun game gets only one expansion. I hope they decide to give it another chance when Gears 4 comes out giving the license another boost in popularity (crossing fingers we don't get another Judgement).
Sadly I doubt we will see more of this franchise from FFG as their license has expired...
We can however hope that the solid mechanics and AI live on... maybe a Netrunner theme or something totally new and owned by FFG directly so we get the usual flood of expansions!!!
We can however hope that the solid mechanics and AI live on... maybe a Netrunner theme or something totally new and owned by FFG directly so we get the usual flood of expansions!!!
Its a good idea, though I have to admit though I enjoy it as much for the license as much as how fun the mechanics and AI are. As a big fan of Gears to begin with its awesome playing with my friends while listening to the soundtracks for the games, and reminiscing about our past experiences in them. The Locust are also my favorite Horde species. For RAAM!!!!