Google Earth

By rg56538, in Zombie Apocalypse

Google Earth Pro is now free (around $400 a year before) this has some very cool tool etc... that can be useful with playing the game, enjoy!

Why pay when you can use it for free? What extra does it boast.If you say all street view images have been altered to show a post appocolyptic world then I'm in.

With google earth pro you can use other tool to create "3D" facades for cities etc. For example a small town in NC called Hillsborough has 2-3 buildings added by a user. It has a note on it saying who added the buildings and what tool(s) he used. Can you change it to look destroyed, I doubt it but you never know.

Why pay when you can use it for free? What extra does it boast.If you say all street view images have been altered to show a post appocolyptic world then I'm in.

If you read my actual post you would have seen that I said it is free now where it did cost $399 before. I don't know all the extra(s) it may boost as I haven't used it much at this point but from the little I did mess with it, it does a lot more that the standard version. Look it up check it out yourself and see if it something you think you would like to use. As for altering the imgs... well isn't that what description and imagination of the DM and PCs are for?

I just put that on there so you can see an "apocalyptic world"

but yeah, its sad

Edited by Eyeless1

People, people, people. For shame. Shame I tell you!! I shake my head in shame. *shakes head in shame*

We're talking about a zombie apocalypse, in the form of a rpg, and indeed talking about Google Earth, yet no one seems to know about the Map of the Dead! We're all nerds here, in one of our favorite enviroments, (the internet), and about one of our favorite genres (or we wouldn't be posting to these forums), and somehow this wasn't brought up?!!?

Well, at least you know now.


I likes the Map of the Dead, thanks for bringing it to our attention.