City plot as last plot

By Ikaros, in 2. AGoT Rules Discussion


Probably it has been already asked, but I cannot find the thread.

A City plot is, for example:

"When revealed, choose and kneel up to X characters. X is the number of City plot in your used pile."

If I reveal this city plot as the last plot, which is the value of X? The used pile is already empty when I check the effect, so it is zero? Or, I count the city plot in the used pile and then I move them to the unused pile?

Thank you.

It's in the FAQ. Your used pile is not recycled into your plot deck until after the last plot revealed is resolved. So your last plot will resolve while all the others are in your used pile. Your first plot is the only one that will resolve with an empty used pile.

Sorry, I missed that. Thank you.