Reprints anytime soon?

By Giantsaint, in Deathwatch

Just checking to see if there's any solid info on this. 80.00 for a used book is nearly pendragon outrageous. I did not see a current topic for reprints.

I don't think there is any information available on this, aside from the "upcoming" page of FFG.

Still waiting for Rites of Battle myself. Taking ages.

Edited by Gridash

Funny enough I wanted Rites of Battle about a month ago so I looked on amazon and was amazed to see how much this book went for.I saw prices anywhere from $75-150.I called my local FLGS and lucky he had 1 copy left.I drove there that day and grabbed it thank god before someone else did.Hopefully FFG will reprint more of these books soon for others so they don't have to pay these inflated prices.

I know not everyone likes them, but the downloads are cheap and never run out of stock.

The pdfs are nice for quick reference, but I prefer the printed books for the actual reading.

I'm an old fart set in my old ways as well.While I do like pdf's their is something about having the actual book IMO.

Yep, at this point I'm just collecting what I want, so I won't have to deal with them being out of print later. :ph34r:

I wonder how much longer they'll be reprinting everything. I know to the answer to that is technically "As long as it keeps selling well", but we just don't have the numbers on that. :P

Edited by Gridash

I'm actually curious if the line is going to get anymore books, or if it is considered 'complete' - and/or due for a Second Edition now from there.

I'd love a more flexible 2e that was a bit more true to fluff in how Marines are (The Scout -> Assault -> Devastator -> Tactical Progression, not the DW RPG way of treating the latter 3 as classes, which doesn't really work with a group of significant chapters!)

Though I'll be bummed if so that we'll probably be 2-3 years after release to get all the chapters we currently have.

Edited by Dulahan

You can find "Rites of Battle" on Overstock dot com at normal price ($35 or so.) Just look up "Rights of Battle"

You're all welcome.

I'm hunting the GM's Kit, mainly because that's the last print product of the DW line I don't own yet ( and, to a lesser degree, because my inner 12-year-old screams WANT, WANT, WANT at the GM screen :) ) - it's outrageous what people are asking for what is ultimately a booklet and a colourful piece of cardboard on Amazon or Ebay. Luckily at the moment it looks like I can get it from a Polish shop at the original list price.

I wouldn't mind a second edition - while actual play has not started yet, I have the DH2e core book and the streamlining looks good, I'd love to try it with Deathwatch. Barring that, an Errata update is something for which I'd even fork over hard-earned money, because the known mistakes, omissions and ambiguities are killing me, and the fact that a lot of those are actually resolved and only need compiling and editing just adds insult to injury. :angry:

Edited by musungu

I sometimes forget how lucky I am to live in Portland, Or. where used bookstores still exist...

Yeah, that sounds like a good place to get supplies from. When I ordered my (used) copy of Rites of Battle, the best offer was from the Eastern Washington area. I was lucky a friend was visiting family in NY, so at least I didn't have to pay for transatlantic shipping, because the price on that makes directly ordering from the US generally unfeasible.

I know not everyone likes them, but the downloads are cheap and never run out of stock.

PDF's went "out of stock' a few months ago.... Ugh.

Weird. Maybe it's a technical issue. Either way, DriveThruRPG still offers the whole line.

Weird. Maybe it's a technical issue. Either way, DriveThruRPG still offers the whole line.

Yup. Got my whole line from there. I'd love some physical copies though, especially for Rites of Battle and First Founding. I've already got the Core book and Honour the Chapter, but it would be nice to have all 4 of the ones that are really central to character creation and advancement.

I talked to one of the FFG guys via Facebook, and they can't say when the books will actually be reprinted. I'm personally after a copy of the GM's kit for that screen and having the tables readily available.

It seems that GW and Fantasy Flight are going their separate ways, so reprints are becoming less likely. Hopefully, pdfs will be made available again but who knows. Does anyone know where pdfs are still being sold? DriveThru seems to have stopped selling most of the 40k line.

Edited by supersnes1

my guess is the sale of PDFs stopped immediatly, and the 2017 deadline is purely to allow FFG a chance to be rid of their existing stock of hard cover books.

Sorry to start my forum existence with a necro, but I think it's better than opening up a thread about the same topic.

Basically, I have the following books:

Deathwatch Core

GM Guide
Rites of Battle
First Founding
Emperor Protects
Jericho Reach
Achilus Assault
Emperor's Chosen
Mark of the Xenos

Are any of them a "rara avis" i.e something hard to obtain, and therefore more expensive, or can I sell them for the cover price to a guy at the local FLGS?

I admit I haven't played the game for years, so I don't know what's going on, but I was reminded of all those books on my shelf when FFG decided to drop the line...

Sorry to start my forum existence with a necro, but I think it's better than opening up a thread about the same topic.

Basically, I have the following books:

Deathwatch Core

GM Guide

Rites of Battle

First Founding

Emperor Protects

Jericho Reach

Achilus Assault

Emperor's Chosen

Mark of the Xenos

Are any of them a "rara avis" i.e something hard to obtain, and therefore more expensive, or can I sell them for the cover price to a guy at the local FLGS?

I admit I haven't played the game for years, so I don't know what's going on, but I was reminded of all those books on my shelf when FFG decided to drop the line...

I bought my CRB used a couple months ago on Amazon for $40 before the announcement they were being discontinued, but after they were labeled "Out of Stock" on the FFG website.

The rest were all $80 and up (I saw one that was $250). They're still on there, and for those prices, I'd rather just use a PDF, because that's ridiculous.

As for your question...

The ones that are listed as Out of Stock are going for wildly random prices on Amazon, because no one knows what they're worth, they're just literally taking shots in the dark for a small fortune, or trying to make a quick buck. The true value will always be left up to the buyer... because if someone REALLY wants a physical copy, and aren't broke like me, they might spend all that.

If they're in really good condition I don't think a FLGS will buy them at cover price, because they're going to sell it at that, and they need to make a profit. Amazon is always a better, but slower, bet if you're trying to make some cash.

I have RoW on pdf, I would love to get it in paper but it's really impossible to find at a decent price.

Thanks for the answers.

The books are in very good condition, as some of them I never actually read... The thing is that it's not the FLGS buying them but some guy I don't even know. Another problem is that I'm located in Eastern Europe, and shipping this anywhere to the civilized world would be a big pain - I don't even think I could actually sell my stuff on Amazon...

Thanks for the answers.

The books are in very good condition, as some of them I never actually read... The thing is that it's not the FLGS buying them but some guy I don't even know. Another problem is that I'm located in Eastern Europe, and shipping this anywhere to the civilized world would be a big pain - I don't even think I could actually sell my stuff on Amazon...

Are they printed in English?

I wonder of GW will reprint the lines just to have them there when they require the licence.