Homebrewed Disadvantages (just a couple ideas my group and i made)

By Dalerik, in Anima: Beyond Fantasy RPG

(G)- general (B)- Background

- Degeneration (1,2CP): The character reduces his regeneration to 0, it cannot be increased, if a player wants to increase the amount of CP they also lose 15 LP a day (G)

- Trauma(1,2CP) : when your health reaches 50% the character rolls a d10. On a 6+ he suffers a -2 Max Fatigue cumulative penalty until he rests for one night. To gain an additional CP from this disadvantage, when rolling a 8+ for the check, the character suffers a -20 All Action Penalty as well. Penalties caused by this disadvantage directly or through Fatigue Loss cannot be nullified or reduced by any mean.


-Bounty:(2CP) There is a bounty on your head worth up to 10,000 gold crowns (B)

-Infamy:(1,2,3CP) This disadvantage is similar to the Fame advantage, but instead people fear you. At 1 cp people will know your name somewhat. At 2 cp, people will know of you and will shun you if they hear your name. At 3 cp whole cities will form an angry mob to drive you out and/or kill you.

-Anti social:(1CP) suffers a -50 to all social interactions such as leadership or persuasion. (G)

-Self harming:(1CP) When the character suffers a fumble they lose half of whatever they rolled (EX: if you rolled an 87 on your fumble you take 44 damage, surpasses damage barriers)(G)

-Schizophrenia:(2CP) The character suffers from seeing visions or hearing voices that command him to commit certain acts. The extent of this disadvantage is left up to the GM. (G)

-Bulimia:(1CP) The character cannot keep down food and thus feels sick after consuming food. They suffer a -20 all action penalty until an hour after eating. (G)

-Focused:(1CP) The character is required to focus as an active action for at least one turn before performing any psychic, zeonic, or ki action. (G)

-Uneducated:(1CP) The character never had a proper education. Thus they cannot read, write, speak properly, or perform some actions that would require having learned it first. The character applies an added -10 to all secondary skills . (G)

-Dense:(1CP) The character is not very bright and he often misses obvious things or is easily fooled. The character suffers a negative -30 penalty to all perception rolls and, -30 against checks to be persuaded, intimidated, etc. (G)

-Heavy:(1CP) The character is larger than normal or is just portly. They suffer a -1 penalty to their movement value and a -2 to their fatigue. (G)

-KI Reduction:(1CP) The character halves his Ki accumulation and only recovers half the amount of ki they normally would (G)

- KI Blockage: (2CP) The character cannot regenerate KI normally (character must have use of ki) (G)

-Rival:(1,2CP) The character has an enemy that wishes to hunt them down and kill them, or they just have a general enemy. At 1cp it’s a general enemy of the player’s level that he must fight occasionally. At 2CP the character not only wishes to stop you, but also has his own group, or army, that he commands. (B)

- Combat Paralysis:(2CP) The character is scared or surprised by combat and thus loses the chance to perform actions on the first turn of a new combat, and suffers a -40 penalty to all rolls on that first turn including initiative. (G)

-Insomnia:(2CP) The character has trouble falling asleep, he must roll a d10 (on a result of a 5 or higher they suffer penalties) to see if he can get to sleep that night, if he fails he suffers the penalty for not resting. (G)

-Extra sensitive:(2CP) Whenever a character suffers damage add an extra ¼ points of damage after the damage dealt has already been determined (e.g. if a characters at reduces an attack enough that it only deals 14 points of damage, you then add 3.5 rounded up (4) points of damage total) (G)

- Prejudiced:(1,2CP) The character is biased against a group or type of people. They will be intolerant and outspoken against that group. If you don't act accordingly you suffer a -30 or -60 depending on severity until you take action against them. (This can be 1 or 2 CP depending on the circumstances) (G)

-Weak system:(2CP) character reduces ALL his resistances by half including PsR and MR (G)

-Vertigo:(2CP) Whenever a character performs an action using ki, zeon, or psychic points, he must perform a 1d10 roll (on a result of a 6 or higher they suffer penalties, a 10 will result in double penalties) in order not to become disoriented, if they fail they suffer an all action penalty of -20 until his next turn. (G)

-Predictable:(1CP) Whenever the character attacks and is defended against the enemy gets a +20 to a counterattack. (G)

-Asthma:(1,2CP) A character can only perform physical actions for half as long as a normal character could, and they are easily winded. if you want to gain more from this disadvantage then instead you can only perform cations a third as long, and areas that are considered to have lots of mold, dust, pollen, etc. will give you a -20 all action penalty for as long as you remain in the area, and you will be unable to rest, sleep, or concentrate in the area. (G)

-Branded:(1, 2CP) At some point in your life a powerful entity branded you, this brand is a mark of hate. People who see it know that you're not safe to be around, and creatures/monsters will instinctively attack you even without seeing the brand. Anyone with the ability to see supernatural can see the brand even if it is covered up. To gain additional CP, this brand instead covers the entire body, being clearly visible if skin is showing. (G)

-Curse:(1,2 CP) The character has been cursed for whatever reason, whether it be from a demon, a witch, or their blood. But similar to how an ebudan has a mission this curse has a goal the player must complete, every day that goes by where the player still is cursed a searing pain fills his body at night. This curse could lead to freeing the demon from imprisonment, to the downfall of a country, or even performing a very dangerous quest specified by the entity that cursed him in the first place. The specifics of the curse are decided by the GM and the player. (a curse may be anything that isn't an insta kill like damned)(G)

-True Sacrifice 2CP: the character rolls on Table 35 of Beyond the Dreams (Pg. 292 in the book) (G)

-Favor 1CP: at some point you made the regret of saying “i owe you one” to somebody who did you a big favor, this disadvantage makes it so at some point during the story this somebody will come to you with a favor of their own, a player feels obligated to pay them back, or a character may make the risky move of denying repaying the favor, in which case the once ally will seek retribution in some way (B)

-Insanity 1CP: the player starts the game with the bare minimum amount of sanity in order to function properly, it replaces their starting sanity. [Can only be taken in games with the sanity rule in effect]

-Untrained Fighter 1CP: the player was never properly trained in the use of weaponry, they kindof just picked up a weapon and starting swinging, they take a -30 attack penalty when using a weapon of any kind, a player can not buy weapon modules while they have this disadvantage (it is possible this can be worked off with enough weapon use and training, when it is worked off is determined by the GM)

-Anti Characteristic Roll 1CP: when you choose this disadvantage choose a characteristic. whenever making a characteristic roll using the chosen characteristic, you increase the difficulty of the check by +3 (this disadvantage can be chosen multiple times, but you can't pick the same characteristic twice) (e.g. if a character has a str of 5, they must roll as if their strength were 2)

-In the wrong hands 1CP: any weapon held by the character automatically reduces the quality of it by 5, this only affects a weapon they are actively holding, if given to someone else the weapon does not reduce in quality. this brings items of +0 to -5, and +10 to +5.

Edited by Dalerik

feel free to take and use any of these, also feel free to modify them in any way, id love for people to use them. if you have any suggestions on how to make these better or more balanced then i would love to hear them.

Edited by Dalerik

Curse and infamy are the same as Damned and Fame, respectively. Damned (2 points) covers any curses, and Fame has an aspect that covers infamy.

Ki Blockage can kill you, not saying it's a bad disadvantage, just that it tends to be a little too fatal for a normal player to take. If your Ki reserve reaches a low enough level you pass out until they replenish, if I recall. So, instant coma.

Dense, well, some people -want- an extra size point, so if you take it -and- add the point to STR or CON you go up two size points for a cost of 0. If you roll STR 10 and CON 10, spend two CP to get them to eleven, Jayan Nephilim, Heavy Disadvantage. . .your size is 26, making you large enough to wield impossibly enormous weaponry with no drawback other than one less speed and one less fatigue.

Maybe make it 3 speed/fatigue? That seems a little more balanced. Then again, I do play a little masochistically.

Degeneration. . .just gonna say, I hope there's a healer in your group.

thank you for the critique, i added ki reduction, it seems a little less hazardous to players who cannot steal ki, but i also left ki blockage there in case anyone still wanted to take it, i mean disadvantages arent all supposed to be easy to take.

heavy, i fixed that one so you lose one more fatigue and there is no longer a size increase.

we have used degeneration and it has been quite dangerous every time except for when i used it on my necromancer who surprisingly did a good job keeping it in check, he also had the blood sub path.

curse. its different from damned, its more of an evil sue’ aman, and it doesn't instantly kill you as damned 2 would. this could help the gm guide some players in the direction he might want them to go. it could even become relevant to the main plot where the player is forced to help the “big bad” in some way. anything (not strictly evil) that an entity has commanded them to do they have to actively pursue it. the player shouldnt be able to say “nah i don't feel like freeing the demon lets move on” if they get a chance to free the demon they are forced to do so because of the curse.

and Infamy, i see where youre coming from, our group had the same debate when first deciding on this one. its different because infamy not only makes your name known in a bad way but it actively can cause people and town to attack you outright. the second your name is heard the entire area around you becomes hostile. at the first level sure people might refuse to serve you or sell you a room for the night, causing minor party inconveniences if they recognize you or hear your name. at second level they might call the town guard on you, they might lock their doors and windows, throw things at you in the streets. at the third level people almost instantly recognize you and the area youre in goes into almost immediate war, the entire town guard will attempt to kill you, towns will form angry mobs to drive out you and your companions even, nobody will talk to you and nobody will serve you, utter hate.

Edited by Dalerik

I could see my group using these. Thanks.

I added a few of these disadvantages to my collection! Thank you very much for sharing!

Sorry for beating this dead horse, but I just rolled a character and after I was finished, I thought of using Infamy instead of having Pariah (DIS) and Fame (ADV). Then I looked at the math, and looked back at my sheet. Then back at the math. Here's my problem:

Infamy (+2) does the same thing, essentially as Pariah (+1) with Fame (-1). . .which means 2 = 1 - 1

So, doing how I did, I can take 2 more disadvantages and I have 3 advantage points.

Doing it with Infamy (3), I can take 2 more disadvantages, and I have 6 advantage points. Only difference is that now people are a little more fervent in their dislike.

It's not balanced. Especially considering that if I use the extra 3 CP to gain the +5/lvl to attack, then the character I'd made could steamroll the entire town that was attacking him (once he hit lvl 2). Meaning that the disadvantage from Infamy would go away completely simply by leveling up once.

Even a 1 point disadvantage shouldn't be that easy to negate.

It's not balanced. Especially considering that if I use the extra 3 CP to gain the +5/lvl to attack, then the character I'd made could steamroll the entire town that was attacking him (once he hit lvl 2). Meaning that the disadvantage from Infamy would go away completely simply by leveling up once.

I see Infamy as being similar to having society at large as a powerful enemy, and as such it would not just be simple villagers coming after you. Personally as a GM if I had a player choose it I would ensure some of the people who despised him were capable of taking him on. And the ones who couldn't take him on would send word to those who could.

I saw Powerful Enemy (3) as having one of the Powers in Shadow as your enemy. Like what happened in Solomon.

Considering that they could pretty much find you at any time if they wanted, and if you had that at lv 1 that campaign would be extremely short. So no, Powerful Enemy 3 wouldn't make since.

@cdcace It makes sense because it's a 3 point disadvantage. There aren't any because they -should- be that severe.

In my opinion Powerful Enemy 3 isn't something you can take as a Disadvantage, its more like something that you would have aquired due to your action in game. I just can't possibly see a Lv 1 character actually being capable of attracting the attention of the Imperium or such, it just doesn't seem possible for someone so weak to actually to have discovered one of the greatest secrets in Gaia. Even Powerful Enemy 2 is iffy for a Lv 1 but meh I suppose a Mage getting the attention of the Inquisition isnt that hard.

@Silkentoes If you want to include it in your games go ahead, I for one would nvr allow it or any other Lv 3 disadvantage to be used in my games. But this is my opinion and my players as well, so anyone else is of course welcome to use such homebrewed disadvantages to their own pleasure. I do like allot of these though, especially like the True Sacrifice one, adds a bit more flavor to a character.

I'm not opposed to such harsh disadvantages as long as the player taking them knows exactly what he is asking for. For instance if a player takes the Selene as a powerful enemy and after I ask him if he is sure and he responds with, "yeah I understand, I'll just have to watch my back and not attract too much attention that's all." I would try to give him a proper idea of exactly how much he is trying to shoot himself in the foot, and if he still didn't get it I would probably shut it down or give him a less painful alternative.

As far as the Imperium as a powerful enemy that is something I would never allow. The way I see it I would really REALLY have to dumb down the powers in the shadow in order to make it even possible to survive for more than a single session. And at that point it would make a mockery of half the lore in Anima, it would be much more appropriate to make a new organization that while dangerous and far reaching isn't capable of wiping out a nation overnight.


while yes it is true that some of these are up to GM interpretation, just like a lot of disadvantages (pariah, fame, powerful enemy, etc). I believe you underestimate how severe infamy is? it would be extremely unwise to take Infamy (3) as a level 1, by merely entering a town you would be attacked on sight. the severity of infamy (3) is as if you are one of Gaia's most wanted, only wanted dead. i know that level 3 disadvantages don't exist, which is why i made the level 3 ones so severe. they should be a serious and constant danger to your character. so if someone were to pick them they had better have a good reason to take it, and had better know the shitstorm they're walking into. or they would have to earn it in game. infamy (3) would mean you could almost never speak to people, you could never buy things normally, you would have to hide your face and almost never go out in public. unless you have a death wish.

Again, that is only the Intended use. a GM may change that how they will, but the GM should know its that rewarding for a reason, because its excessively dangerous.

so no, fame and pariah is much different, with those two some might say "oh hey, its that one guy, i know him, loser" but with infamy (3) "its the monster that butchered a whole town and posted the children's heads on spikes along the road leading to the town and then declared war on the holy empire of abel while pissing on the corpses"

But as always, its all up to the GM how dangerous these are, if they wanted they could make infamy (3) only mean puppies don't like you. that would be lame. but the GM could do it.

And as a GM who knows that one of their players made the sorry mistake of choosing infamy, it would be a good idea to pack said town with enemies that are higher than lvl 0, maybe some dangerous lvl 3 or 4 guards. or a group of bounty hunters had been tracking them, its all up to the GM what to do. every advantage and disadvantage should play into the game.

Anyways, i do thank you for critiquing, the more that these are critiqued the better they become. if anyone has any other thoughts about these please don't be afraid to comment it. and OF COURSE feel free to modify these for your own campaigns if you see it could use some changing.

thank you everyone for the support, and if you have any other ideas, comments, suggestions, please post them, the more the merrier.

Edited by Dalerik

Hopefully soon I can get my group's GM council to sit down and go over the list as a whole, if we do I will probably have a lot of feedback for you.

One thing that I can think of right off the bat is the Asthma disadvantage. I can honestly say it pretty much represents a minor asthmatic very well, that being said you could honestly have a lvl 2 version that is much more severe. Since I know many asthmatics myself I know it can be crippling when you are exposed to the right conditions, I know when they get really bad not only can they not perform physical activities well but can also become irritable and have a hard time concentrating in short it affects all skills. Perhaps some sort of all action penalty when in environments that have a lot of mold, dust, pollen, and such. Also sleeping in such an environment doesn't do asthmatics any favors since if you are having a hard time breathing while sleeping you don't rest well and would probably get the insufficient sleep penalty. That and I'm not quite sure how I would work this in but some asthmatics find cold air helps ease their symptoms others find it makes things worse. Perhaps a player with asthma and weakness to cold would have to add cold to his list of triggers.

Edited by Nathaniel Cain

@Nathaniel Cain

thank you, i created a 2CP version of asthma according to what you said (i don't have asthma so I'm going off what you said). i haven't had the chance to go over it with my group yet so expect it to change in some ways. but currently here is what is says.

-Asthma:(1,2CP) A character can only perform physical actions for half as long as a normal character could, and they are easily winded. if you want to gain more from this disadvantage then instead you can only perform cations a third as long, and areas that are considered to have lots of mold, dust, pollen, etc. will give you a -20 all action penalty for as long as you remain in the area, and you will be unable to rest, sleep, or concentrate in the area. (G)

thank you very much, the more variation we have to pick, the more immersive the game feels.

new changes to the disadvantages, feel free to keep them the way they are if you would prefer them, i just feel the 2 CP ones weren't harsh enough so i adjusted them. please go over them again if you have taken any.

the changed ones are

- Degeneration (1,2CP): The character reduces his regeneration to 0, it cannot be increased, if a player wants to increase the amount of CP they also lose 15 LP a day (G)

- Trauma(1,2CP) : when your health reaches 50% the character rolls a d10. On a 6+ he suffers a -2 Max Fatigue cumulative penalty until he rests for one night. To gain an additional CP from this disadvantage, when rolling a 8+ for the check, the character suffers a -20 All Action Penalty as well. Penalties caused by this disadvantage directly or through Fatigue Loss cannot be nullified or reduced by any mean. (G)
(as you can see this is clearly just another form of ElricOfMelnibornes nightmare disadvantage, i want to thank him, i in no way want to steal his idea)

-Insomnia:(2CP) The character has trouble falling asleep, he must roll a d10 (on a result of a 5 or higher they suffer penalties) to see if he can get to sleep that night, if he fails he suffers the penalty for not resting. (G)

-Branded:(1, 2CP) At some point in your life a powerful entity branded you, this brand is a mark of hate. People who see it know that you're not safe to be around, and creatures/monsters will instinctively attack you even without seeing the brand. Anyone with the ability to see supernatural can see the brand even if it is covered up. To gain additional CP, this brand instead covers the entire body, being clearly visible if skin is showing. (G)

-Curse:(1,2 CP) The character has been cursed for whatever reason, whether it be from a demon, a witch, or their blood. But similar to how an ebudan has a mission this curse has a goal the player must complete, every day that goes by where the player still is cursed a searing pain fills his body at night. This curse could lead to freeing the demon from imprisonment, to the downfall of a country, or even performing a very dangerous quest specified by the entity that cursed him in the first place. The specifics of the curse are decided by the GM and the player. (a curse may be anything that isn't an insta kill like damned)(G)

Edited by Dalerik

Question about Trauma and Insomnia. Maybe im misunderstanding them, but going from 6+ to 8+ doesnt seem like an increased disadvantage.

From my understanding, 6+ means anything 6 and above would result in a failure. and 8+ would be anything 8 and above. Or did you mean, anything 6 and below and same with the 8?

Question about Trauma and Insomnia. Maybe im misunderstanding them, but going from 6+ to 8+ doesnt seem like an increased disadvantage.

From my understanding, 6+ means anything 6 and above would result in a failure. and 8+ would be anything 8 and above. Or did you mean, anything 6 and below and same with the 8?

The way that it works is that both go into affect. Therefore, rolling a 10 with Trauma 2CP would mean -2 Fatigue and -20 AAP.