This game need a manual, so please FFG give that to the oss. Put manual in PDF and put that in support site.
FFG please give oss manual !
Don't take this the wrong way, but if you want a manual, the app provides a pretty handy hyperlinked reference of all the rules, and the tutorial really does walk you through what each function does. I honestly don't feel like I need a rulebook per se at this point. If you want details on a complex action, like resolving a mission, the app has a pretty clear step-by-step in there. If you want a procedural reference to the order of operations, the timed phase will change up that order regularly, so it wouldn't help, and resolution is pretty straightforward in the app, and you can even look up the details as you go, in-app and you aren't in a time crunch.
If you need refreshers mid-game, Easy mode provides unlimited pause.
If what you ultimately want is a hard copy paper rulebook, you will not likely be finding it here anytime soon. Your best bet is to head over here;
...or here;
Sooner or later, someone on one of those sites will produce a concise PDF rules summary to get you going.
I have seen TONS of people ask questions about this game's ruleset.
Every single time, the answer was clearly written in the app.
The game's really not hard to understand... however, reading from the app instead of paper IS more difficult. Dunno what it is, but it's harder to concentrate and assimilate what you're reading.
Yeah I know that game is not hard the understand but is just easier to read the manual during a game if You had to check somethink and You find thinks faster.
Well, After five games, we don't have any needs for a manual and for us it's a non-sense. Everything is in the App. And at the speed the timed phase goes, no time to go through a manual...
But, for the defence, the concepts and the rules of the games are so easy and if you need more infos, you just have to click on the main action box and: "Pops", all the critical infos your need is just right there in a matter of a quarter second, just before your eyes.... And you will be back in the game just in a flash.
No manual could ever be doing that, plain and simple. With a little bit experience, you will know the rules by heart and like I said, they are very easy.
Hope to see more games with Apps., in the future.
The game's really not hard to understand... however, reading from the app instead of paper IS more difficult. Dunno what it is, but it's harder to concentrate and assimilate what you're reading.
With this new found information I'm contacting Amazon to warn them about the Kindle and the difficulty of reading from a digital screen.
Wait What! they've sold millions upon millions of Kindles, How when it's so hard to read them...............
Yeah I know that game is not hard the understand but is just easier to read the manual during a game if You had to check somethink and You find thinks faster.
Yup it's that easy, it gives you the rules for the relevant part of the game you're in........
Edited by OsoroshiiIt's only that easy if you know the exact thing you're looking for and it happens to be addressed. What about, for example, rolling dice? When can I reroll? What happens on a success/failure? There's not an entry for any of those headers. I have to remember to start at Tasks (which, to be fair, mentions rolling dice but is not under "R"). When you open that it gives a broad overview of tasks, meaning you have to read through five other entries to get a better sense of resolving tasks, but lets just focus one for the sake of argument.
I have a question about Research. You probably would look up the research header, but that wouldn't be good because it doesn't tell you anything about how to lose a roll or even mention the alien die. So I go Tasks. Okay, the alien die is explained, but nothing about how threat works. I happen to click through to Threat and see I need to increase between rolls, and maybe back to Research to confirm that each card is considered a different task. That's three different links for one topic, and you would only realize you're missing something if you already knew that you were missing a rule.
I could give you a set of encyclopedias and tell you the answer to any question you could ask is found in there, but that doesn't make it an good solution. The tutorial is neat but God forbid you put the game away for a few months and have to spend an hour just to replay the tutorial, plus if FFG ever release only the rules index and not the split off rulebook with any of their other games there would be hell to pay; this should be no different.
Play the Tutorial again in that case and go see those two videos. It should help.
That game is note ASL (Advanced Squad Leader) for heaven's sake!
Edited by Lucien120I find the paths very easy to navigate as it leads you to the questions you want the answers to. Here we will look at the example you gave and I'll show you the path it lays out:
Here if we want to see how to "Resolve Research" you simply click the title and it takes you to that rule section. As seen here:
With out even having to scroll the first yellow section answered the reroll question. But what if I'm not sure how to roll the dice and increase threat. Once you scroll throught the Resolve Research section it will lost a few related section pertaining to the movment of the game you are in, and it looks like this:
Yes, you will have to learn the pathways much like you have to learn the sections of a rule book. I can understand not wanting to pick up a game because it looks like a game you're simply not interested in. I can even understand not wanting a game because of the inclusion of a required approval play the game. However there is just to much hate towards this game and it dose not deserve it.
I'm sure at some point a super fan will put together a PDF rule book and if it's done well it will fulfill the need for you. No reason for FFG to spend the cash on one now.
We do not need to argue here but others like different things and it must be allowed
Others likes to browse through the manual while others are playing and now it is not possible. That why we need manual
We do not need to argue here but others like different things and it must be allowed
Others likes to browse through the manual while others are playing and now it is not possible. That why we need manual
I would agree with some people just want to have a manual to read. I'm just simply pointing out the attack on the app is just wrong, and to use that as an excuse to have a paper manual is silly. Someone will make one and everyone will be happy. I just think its a shame that so many people attacked this game due to the inclusion of a required app. This latest concern over the no rule book feels like a continuation of the attack. I would prefer people just be truthful about what it is and not make outlandish claims just to get what they want.
Also, remember that the app is free and can be downloaded by anyone so as to have the rules available in their own device. Provided, of course, they have a smartphone or tablet running Android or iOS.
I would say there are some rules that are easy to understand in this game, but others are not as clearly explained. Most any of the problems we have encountered so far come from timing incidents as to when cards can be played during the resolution phase, and to what they can target. For instance, can the Laboratory asset be used the instant the resolution phase begins to counteract having to discard your stocked salvage cards from a crisis card? Stuff like this is the only thing we have come across so far, as everything else seems pretty clear cut.
The group of players I have to play this with have been playing Magic for many, many years, so we pretty much handle any other board games or card games like we are lawyers, and each word in the card text or rules has to be exact or there are going to be loopholes, or broken aspects of the game.