I found a possible problem on how the timing structure of a run is described in the official netrunner FAQ ( http://www.fantasyflightgames.com/ffg_content/android-netrunner/support/FAQ/Android-Netrunner%20FAQ.pdf ).
In particular, it states in step 2.1, that the runner approaches the OUTERMOST piece of ICE protecting a server.
If you have architect installed in a server, it triggers, and the corp installs a new ICE in the same server, this new ICE becomes the outermost piece of ICE by definition. So interpretating literally the FAQ, this means that the runner will have to face this new ICE (instead of the one just after the Architect that just triggered), basically resetting the run.
I am pretty sure the designers never meant this, I'm just signalling this so it can be discussed and (in case) corrected in new versions of the FAQ.
This, of course, unless I am totally wrong