
By tcsjc, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

Question, can Gideon's command ability be used part way through a surge induced move to move a figure into the spot he was in ( the pause in the movement puts him in the space of another figure) so move 1 space onto Gaarrkhan, move Fenn where he was then move into where Fenn was.


Per "Interrupt" RRG, Page 15:

"A figure’s action cannot be interrupted while the figure is in a space containing another figure."

But his action isn't he has s using strain to move and the interrupt is aimed at fenn from Gideon?

theorically gideon can use strain to get free movement points and move. then use his first action to Command Fenn to move where Gideon was. and then Gideon uses his second action to move (or another strain to get one movement point if it's what he just needs) and move where Fenn was. so they end up switching spaces, is what you want?

Edited by Roolakhol

Yeah, this question made my brain hurt. I'm sticking with the whole interrupt ruling for the sake of simplicity.

"Surge induced move" to me sounds like a combat action. So the interrupt ruling would stand.

Edited by Fizz

Even if halfway through movement he ends up occupying a friendly figures space? It's not what I want I just got it used against me.


Before move F. Ga

D. Gi

Spend surges to gain 2 movement then

F. Ga+Gi (in same square)

D. O

Interrupt total move to order fenn to move

O. Ga+Gi (in same square)

D. F

Finish move with last surge generated movement.

Gi. Ga

D. F


D= dials

Ga= garkhaan

Gi= Gideon

O =empty space

is not valid. Gideon can't stay in the same space as Gaarkhan. Even if gideon is not using an action to move because he just ended using only strain to get movement points, he can't end a movement in the same space as a different figure. gideon can only enter in gaarkhan's space AS LONG AS he doesn't ends his movement there. even if he uses his ability to give a command to fenn and cause an interrupt. First he must end his movement and then use his action.

RRG page 19 "movement"

Cheers guys just lost fader as an ally based on that :-(

Gideon can use his command to make Gaarkhan move before he gets there, but not while he's in the same spot. Depeding on what the actual map set up at the time look like, there may be a different way to game it so that it happens, but as you've described it, it's a no go.