Remember when we said we didnt need a painting subforum?

By Fizz, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

I'm thinking maybe now we do. :D

Also, is there a way we can get the mods to move some the rules questions out of the general forum and into their correct subforum?

Reference: My OCD: Page 4, Paragraph 3, Sentence 2, Word 5:


I agree. A separate forum would be ideal.

Name: "Imperial Assault Painting"

Okay, fine. I'll join the club. But not because the painting is clogging up the main page. To the contrary, I primarily visit the main forum page looking for new paint jobs. It would be nice to see everyone's paint jobs in one place.

It would be nice to see everyone's paint jobs in one place.


I used to mainly post on the X-Wing Miniatures forums (till it became the place to prove who had a bigger e-peen), and I LOVED seeing peoples' posts about their paint jobs.

But seeing IA repaints are a highlight to my FFG browsing time.


I'm thinking maybe now we do. :D

Also, is there a way we can get the mods to move some the rules questions out of the general forum and into their correct subforum?

Reference: My OCD: Page 4, Paragraph 3, Sentence 2, Word 5:


I don't even 'hate to say I told you so' on this one... :)

Good idea. I've contacted FFG with the request. General forum will be awful quiet after this.

It's there now.

Wow. That was fast.

Now we just need people to populate it with lots of good artwork!

Yes, it was fast! Now we just need all those painting threads moved over. I'm not sure if FFG does that, but I think it would be helpful.

Can we move our own threads?

FFGs not gonna move the pre existing threads.


Okay! Repost time!

Yep, same here, once i have more painted models, i will repost as well.