Mak: Disengange vs Nexu: Pounce

By Baer, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

Maks Disengange says that he can move up to 3 Spaces when an enemy figures enters a space within 3 spaces from him.

The Nexu can jump up to 3 spaces and make an attack (Pounce)

If the Nexu uses Pounce to get to Mak, can Mak use Disengange before the Nexu attacks him? I would suggest not because the card doesn't contain the word interrupt and Pounce is one action.

he can move before nexu attacks.

RRG page 20 "if a figure gains movement points outside its activation, those movement points must be spent immediatly as an interrupt or be lost"

is something interesting, but in my opinion at the moment the nexu moves with the pounce ability, mak's disengage acts as an interrupt due to the rule

Read the rules for Interrupt, RRG, Page 15

  • If two effects interrupt the same action, the player currently resolving his activation decides the order in which they are resolved.
  • If an interrupt makes the current action or ability invalid, that effect is not resolved. Any costs used to resolve that effect are still paid.

Read the rules for Interrupt, RRG, Page 15

  • If two effects interrupt the same action, the player currently resolving his activation decides the order in which they are resolved.

  • If an interrupt makes the current action or ability invalid, that effect is not resolved. Any costs used to resolve that effect are still paid.

But Mak's interrupt doesn't cause the Pounce to be invalid

You are correct, the pounce isn't invalid for two reasons:

1) The nexu can pounce at any time during its activation, no target is required other than "empty space"

2) Pounce states that it *MAY* make an attack, it is not forced to.

So in this situation:

A) Nexu begins activation within 3 squares of Mak. Nexu declares "pounce".

B) Mak uses Disengage, gains movements points and spends them as an interrupt. Losing any Movement Points unspent.

C) Nexu finishes pounce, moves to an empty space within 3 squares.

Now, maybe Mak isnt within 3 squares anymore? Well, that's OK, pounce isnt committed to moving toward Mak, and that doesn't stop the nexu from pouncing at something else.

Where it gets tricky is when the nexu is 4 squares away and declares a pounce:

A) Nexu activates "pounce". Is 4 squares away. Mak cannot disengage.

B) Nexu moves to space next to Mak.

C) Mak uses Disengage, gains movements points and spends them as an interrupt. Losing any Movement Points unspent.

D) Nexu may or may not make an attack, depending on who is in range. But is stuck where he is.

Edited by Fizz

The way I see it, Mak cannot use disengage as soon as the pounce is declared, since the nexu is either already 3 space of him or out of range. However, the rules about placing a figure (I don't remember the page) says that placing a figure in a new space count as entering that space. So, as soon as the nexu is placed within 3 spaces of Mak, he can use disengage, exactly as you described in your second example.

In my first example, the nexu using pounce is already within three squares of Mak, by the fact that it started the round there. I see now in what I typed, and I didnt put that in there since I figured the second example would cover that fact. (comment edited to reflect intent)

Both are valid examples of when Mak can interrupt the nexu's pounce ability, and as you can tell, they give slightly different results.

A third legal interrupt variant of this would be (but isn't really interrupting Pounce so was not included):

A) Nexu declares a move action moves towards Mak.

B) Once within 3 squares of Mak, Mak uses Disengage, gains movements points and spends them as an interrupt. Losing any Movement Points unspent.

C) Nexu finishes its movement.

D) Nexu is free to declare an attack, or pounce.

Edited by Fizz

Ok, I can agree with you on the second Example Fizz, but I have a question about the first.

You state Mak can activate Disengage if the Nexu declares Pounce 3 spaces away from Mak. But why? It doesn't enter a space 3 spaces away starting its activation and declaring pounce.

Mak doesn't activate disengage when Nexu declares Pounce if being 4 spaces away. Mak's disengage triggers at the moment nexu declares Pounce and then moves to a space within 3 spaces from Mak. in that moment then Mak uses disengage gain movement points and act as an interrupt so nexu can't attack until mak has moved. Once Mak has moved using disengage, then nexu's action continues. And Nexu may attack if possible.

A) Nexu begins activation within 3 squares of Mak. Nexu declares "pounce".

B) Mak uses Disengage, gains movements points and spends them as an interrupt. Losing any Movement Points unspent.

C) Nexu finishes pounce, moves to an empty space within 3 squares.

Now, maybe Mak isnt within 3 squares anymore? Well, that's OK, pounce isnt committed to moving toward Mak, and that doesn't stop the nexu from pouncing at something else.

Yes Roolakhol, that I understand. I wonder about this example.

I don't understand why Mak could use Disengage when the Nexu declares Pounce 3 spaces away BEFORE jumping.

Nexu must move first always. the triggering condition for disengage is "when a hostile figure enters a space"

the order is

-nexu declares action: pounce

-nexu moves

-mak uses disengage

-nexu attacks if able

Gah! Disengage does say "enters". I thought the card said "is within 3 spaces".

My photographic memory must have gotten too exposed when i was reading that card, I blame Christmas.