
By piratepwnsninja, in Talisman Rules Questions

I just wanted to make sure that we were playing our last game correctly, so for this I pose this question:

It states in the rules that a player can have as many followers as they want. Now, just to make sure that we were using them correctly, non-house rules or anything...the players gets the abilities from all the followers they have, correct? I am asking because the adventure deck ended up poorly shuffled and there were a lot of followers in a clump. Everyone ended with with lots of followers, I got toaded and lost mine and other person picked them up and ended up having like 8 followers, pushing his abilities to the point where he could one shot everything. If I am reading the rules the correctly, there is nothing wrong with this and is correct and we just ended up "breaking" things due to the poor shuffling. Just wanted to make sure that this is actually the case for followers and abilities they add to.

You may have as many Followers as you can find and there's nothing wrong with what happened in your game.

When a Character can easily defeat anything it's time for him to stop hanging around and try to win the game! You can indefinitely improve your Character in Talisman, but after a certain point it's pointless power-play. After some games you will get the idea of how much power you need to win, compared to other Characters in play; your games will also become shorter in terms of time. Until you go for expansions, of course!