Hey Friends,
I have a player in my group who is kind of a powerplayer (you know If it doesnt help in the fight then it sucks) and basically he always gets + 54 when he fires his weapon.
He is using a sniper rifle with red dot laser sight and modified stock.
For example: Half aim(10)+range(lets say short10)+Accurate weapon(10)+The attachments on his weapon Red dot and modified stock(14)+ Normal attack(10)=54 bonus on his attack.
Now He has a Balistic skill of 36 so he has to dice a 91=< to fail.
I know he has major problems with interactions with NPC and so he doesn't care much about it. But he throws the balance of the group out of the window.
I really hoped I missed a rule or something but a 54 basic bonus is really hard in my opinion.
Edited by Wurstbrotjoe