A question on dice.

By rg56538, in Zombie Apocalypse

1- Since the max stat is 5 and low rolls for positive dice is the desired roll, are "6's" seen as a "critical failure" like "1's" in D&D/Pathfinder?

2- Also unclear if a positive die and a negative die have to be identical to cancel each other out or is it a low positive and a low negative cancel each other.

Not sure if clear in my questions, if not please ask and I will try to explain better.

  1. I think they wanted there to always be a chance for failure and stress, hence the reason stats max out at 5.

So I roll an attack Dex is 4. all factors considered I roll 3 positive dice and 2 negative dice. I roll 4,3,6 (+) and 6,2 (-) this would end up being 2 hits (4,3) and 1 stress (2) for the out come?

So it would not be that the 2 and the 3 null each other and only the 4 hits.

You are correct, the 4 and 3 would hit with 1 stress.

Thank you.

So I roll an attack Dex is 4. all factors considered I roll 3 positive dice and 2 negative dice. I roll 4,3,6 (+) and 6,2 (-) this would end up being 2 hits (4,3) and 1 stress (2) for the out come?


I love the simplicity of the system. It doesn't get bogged down in extensive page turning or rules lawyering

I love the simplicity of the system. It doesn't get bogged down in extensive page turning or rules lawyering

Same here. It's elegant and smooth.

I can usually teach friends the basic mechanics in about a minute. It usually ends with:

"That's it?"

"That's it."

Then they smile.

A six is not a critical failure. And actually, though you may not succeed at the task, rolling a positive six still has the benefit of cancelling a negative six, thereby reducing the amount of stress you must endure.

Is the negative dice not affected by the target number?

All negative dice do is apply stress if any remain. Thus if you roll some 6s on the negative dice, you kinda do want to roll some postive 6s as well.

In this game I would rather fail a roll with no stress I think than succeed all the time with stress.

Edited by caul

So it will be extremely easy (if the PCs roll badly consistently) for the PC's to fill up the first track in this game as the chance without resistance to gain stress is very high. Early game when the "horrifying" feature is in full effect is probably going to be the most dangerous part of the game.

For some reason when I read and reread the rules I came away with the impression that the negative dice follow the same rules as the positive when it comes to target number(s).

You just reminded me now I will have to buy more dice... ddddiiiiicccceeee....

Just hit the local dollar store. I picked up a few packs of 10 d6s there. They contained five different colours (2 d6 each) in each pack.

I ordered several of the Chessex 12mm 36 count dice sets off Amazon. I ordered white dice with black pips (positive) and black dice with white pips (negative) :D