Arkham Horror Investigator Sheet

By MasterGamer, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

Master Gamer,

Very nice...and functional. I have to admit, I'm partial to the ones I sell on-line (see address below), as they're much more thematic. Maybe Julia or one of my other customers will hopefully be along shortly, as well.

By the way, as I see this is one of your first posts, Welcome to the Carnival! :P



Yeah, I must admit this is pretty awesome :)

Many more expensive too, but still it is cool thing for huge Arkham Horror fans :)

Edited by MasterGamer

Master Gamer,

Thanks for checking them out. I think they're pretty awesome too, but as expensive to your casual gamer as having a high-end car is expensive to most drivers. Thus, they're not for everybody. They're definitely a boutique item ~ molded and cast (especially the medium and large pieces which are individually produced) in the U.S. by master craftsmen.



Edited by The Professor

This is great. Must order a few. Thank you.