Defining "Space"

By Soapy, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

Hi guys!

We played the tutorial a couple of times now and had a closer look in the rules book for explanation of the different effects a surge can be spend for like "stun".

On the stun card it says: "You cannot attack or voluntarily exit your space".

I looked in the rules book under "space" but there is no entry.

So what does space mean? Is it the exact place where the figure is standing when stunned, which would make sense? Or is a space a room on a tile or all tiles that have the same theme like sand or grass?

This basically means "where you are standing right now". So the small square your figure is standing in.

RRG p. 19 "Movement" Mentions spaces which figures occupy.

Space: The final frontier?

Nah, that doesn't sound right...