Quick Draw?

By Neuftet, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

Hi there - question about the timing of Quick Draw: can it be used at the end of a round, if an Imperial figure gets free move/attacks? The card states that it can interrupt an Imperial figure's activation, which I'd argue is during the Activation phase, not at the end of a round.

But... you never know. Scanned through the RRG and can't find anything clarifying. Thoughts appreciated!

No, it cannot be used at the end of a round.

Quick Draw states "use at the start of a hostile figures activation..."

So unless that source gives the imperial model a free activation (which is different from a move action or an attack action) you can only use it when the imperial player declares an activation, and you can only use it to target that specific figure.

That's what I thought - this case is a free move/attack, specifically does *not* state it's an activation - so therefore no opportunity to Quick Draw. Thanks much!

Yep, she's not *THAT* quick. :)