any 1/72 model builders on here?

By Wayne Argabright, in X-Wing Off-Topic

Am currently building a Mig-23 and a Mig -27 finishing up the painting. It was warm enough last week that i was able to use the airbrush. however i messed up and painted the canopies the wrong colors. The Mig-27 is painted in standard Russian 3 color green/brown/tan camo. while i opted for a more modern air superiority grey camo scheme for the Mig-23. problem is i got the canopies mixed up and i just cant swap them as they are from different kit manufacturers. Ack i HATE painting canopies particularly ones that have a bunch of fine details that i have to mask off!!

All my Zoids are 1/72, but I usually do aircraft in 1/48 (inherited that habit from my dad). Canopies are still a pain at that scale, though it's the cockpits I really don't look forward to.

Canpies are a complete pain. I just finished the Moebius Colonial Viper and the canopy was seriously rough

Not so much model buiding, a few tanks and jeeps etc but i have *hundreds* of 1.72/20mm scale lead soldiers for wargaming with.

I've a full company of wwii british airborne (on a 1 man is 1 man scale) with support weapons, jeeps, tetrarch light tanks, field guns and a single horsa glider.

I've also got a platoon of heer and a platoon of luftwaffe field division with supporting vehicles and flak (most of it plastic or metal kits)

I stopped making plastic and metal kit vehicles so much when 'dragon' made amazing pre paint 1/72 scale vehicles.

I have so many 1/72 builds, I can't count all of them. They are all aircraft. I just got a B-57 and a PBY from 1969 at a flea market. I also have a bunch of 1/48 aircraft and 1/35 tanks.

Im really hoping for a Bandai Y Wing. That would rock. And a Blockade runner kit

Just because im pleased with it.First model i have built since getting glasses


Very nice! I especially like the internal detailing around the engines.

yeah glasses help..

Yes they do. The Moebius viper is so much better than the older toolings. Much crisper details and very accurate. I am going to get a Raider (original series) eventually but my wife told me i have to finish my Yamato ships and Mobile suits first *L*

I feel your pain. I've got a huge line to workthrough, too. But, but, they look so shiny and cooollll I can't help it...

1/350 HMS Warspite

1/700 HIJMS Nagato, Mutsu, Yamato, Takao, I-400, HMS Malaya

1/144 Jegan, Kampfer, Delta Plus, Qubeley Papillion, kitbash Gundam

1/72 Lanstag

Plus my HMS Hood and USS Yorktown are in need of repairs.

I have to keep track of my kits via a spread sheet. otherwise I see a kit i like and think hey that's kind of rare only to discover that i have one stuck on a shelf behind a dozen other kits. I think my total of un-built kits right now is around 340... Yes i am a model hoarder!! but i do keep them in neat stacks, not tossed around in the garage or some other seldom used space.

I just finished up my FineMolds 1:72 Y wing. I started it about 2 years ago as the first model I've done as an adult, and then at the 98% completion mark, I got distracted repainting my 1:270 X wing miniatures. I finally went back and finished it up on Sunday, and now I've got the bug again to do my FineMolds X wing, and do it even better because I'm a much better painter now... Not to mention if I can fit electronics into a 1:270 Falcon, I shouldn't have a problem doing the same for an 1:72 X wing.

I hadn't built a model or painted a mini in a long time because of vision issues so i went a bit over board when i got that fixed. Ill catch up eventually. My Hasegawa first and second Arcadias are probably top of the list since they are both half completed.

I have to keep track of my kits via a spread sheet. otherwise I see a kit i like and think hey that's kind of rare only to discover that i have one stuck on a shelf behind a dozen other kits. I think my total of un-built kits right now is around 340... Yes i am a model hoarder!! but i do keep them in neat stacks, not tossed around in the garage or some other seldom used space.

Something like this stack?


Or: "Our paint brushes can't cover surfaces of that magnitude!"

I have to keep track of my kits via a spread sheet. otherwise I see a kit i like and think hey that's kind of rare only to discover that i have one stuck on a shelf behind a dozen other kits. I think my total of un-built kits right now is around 340... Yes i am a model hoarder!! but i do keep them in neat stacks, not tossed around in the garage or some other seldom used space.

Something like this stack?


Or: "Our paint brushes can't cover surfaces of that magnitude!"

that looks like the back room at my Local game

Lol looks like my living room ; have to move into my garage now...Got to have some building and painting space...