Some kind of random fun idea someone came up with one day in their office?
So what fun is this?
Maybe, but you know that games created out of boredom in an office turn out to be the most interesting games later.
im assuming the penguins are not small enough to choke on
I'm sure an ambitious child (or adult) can still choke on these penguins... but they are a pretty decent size.
Yeah, it's rather hard to choke on them unless the situation is set up right. It's not like those small pieces where it's easy to
The penguins are about 1 inch across and 2 to 2 1/2 inches tall. They are hollow and the tips is pointed because of the cap/pompom detail. It would depend on how desparately that kid wanted to stick a penguin in it's mouth. But there would be warning signs, they would have to chew on it first and bite marks would be noticable.
This conversation fills me with perverse joy.
Roxas said:
Maybe, but you know that games created out of boredom in an office turn out to be the most interesting games later.
well, most interesting to beat boredom in an office, at least
There are times when I have to convince the love of my life to try a new game with me. This was not one of the occasions, like Black Sheep (or possibly because of it) she was eager to try. This is another game which will be making the rounds at the elementry school for rained in lunch hours.