Dragonstar RPG

By Finkelstoat, in Legacy Game Discussion

Maybe i'm revealing my age but i come to the Legacy games ( read Mature gamers..you know wrong side of 30 lengua.gif ) and no Dragonstar.... a crime

So for any younglings who come to visit here this is what you are missing

It was 2001 and Dungeons and Dragons had reached its 3rd edition Greg Benage and Matt Forbeck release a Future/Fantasy hybrid setting where the known worlds are filled with elves, gnomes and other favourites who using technomagical space ships live an empire ruled by Dragons and their spawn. For 5000 years the Metal Dragons clans have ruled the empire and so begins the age of the chromatics with the Red dragons to take the throne for the next 1000 years... but Emperor Mezzenbone 40 years into his reign intend to be the last emperor ...perhaps the last living being in the universe

It introduced many new races including Soulmechs (Androids with souls) and with the Galactic Races supplement Oruks (ogre/ork hybrids) Quastas (a beholder like race with independant floating eyes) and many others

Introduced Legendary classes which came with great power but a price to be paid and once started had to be completed even if it meant losing the ability to level in any class if you proved unworthy.

Interested ...well it was ALL put in one book just before it went 'Legacy' so should be around in some dusty bookshop

I ran across this at Half Price Books one day. The setting looked pretty interesting, but it used 3rd edition D&D rules, so I didn't pick it up.

I wish that FFG would liscence it to Pinnacle so it could be re-released using the Savage Worlds rules.

Great game. I am dungeon mastering my second group of Dragonstar these days. Level 19, awaiting to be epic to attack the Emperor.


I'd like to see FFG do a "Grimming" of Dragonstar. I own all the Dragonstar books -- and I own the Grimm d20 book -- but I'd love to play the game using a different system. Of course, it would be nice to see Redline too.

Thinking of DMing a Dragonstar campaign using the new Pathfinder RPG rules. Have a perfect adventure path, too. Using the Dawn of Defiance campaign set in the early Empire Days of the Star Wars Universe. Converting it shouldn't be too hard. All 10 adventures are free at the WotC Star Wars Saga Edition website.

Dragonstar is a concept which simply beyond amazing in terms of really hitting a thematic setting idea directly on the head. Any storyteller running a fantasy group or four knows that when it comes to keeping players involved and interested in the game, you have to throw something totally new and vastly different to them right in front of their face, and Dragonstar accomplishes that with flying colors.

If you have never seen the material in these books, it is highly recommended that you should. I have only recently come upon it, and I am simply amazed at the wealth of information here, and the application of it to ANYONE's game or setting, including standard and variant cosmologies & planar settings. The way in which steam (tech) is applied to the fantasy realm and in such a seamless and thorough manner is simply unmatched in anything I have ever seen.

I looked at Goodman Games' site recently, and saw something similar to it - DragonMech. I am wondering - by FFG allowing another company to take that segment of the market, are there certain gamers that simply aren't profitable, or else don't really exist as a primary concern of the company's? If Dragonstar is simply a legacy game now, why is the market being allowed a monopoly on the genre?

I would fully support IP licensing to Paizo to make a Pathfinder RPG compatible that focuses on the SF/fantasy hybrid genre. Heck, I would to help write and convert it! Converting from 3e Dragonstar to 3.5 and then to a simple shift into Pathfinder RPG stats would not be a difficult task, and would be well worth the 'supplemental income' that it seems to occupy in FFG's public activities at this point. It looks like the artistic abilities are still out there as active as ever and willing to make great conceptual designs that accentuate the genre's placement in usage both for setting-specific games (even officiated gaming groups), as well as for supplemental material for introduction for a homebrew setting or other system setting / elements.

Fantasy Flight, hear our pleas! Please? gui%C3%B1o.gif I am already compiling information I have been accumulating over the years to put together a tech/SF-into-fantasy publication-ready packet of info, and would certainly love to see this excellent show of conceptual skills put to use. xidoraven@yahoo.com - please give me a job! I will put it all together in 4-7 months, ready for review and editing! lengua.gif

Best wishes all,

I am not a player of WoW, nor am I really a very good member at DDO (I haven't been trying very hard yet), but I do get on Second Life, and it is possible to create content and upload it into SL as avatar outfit elements and props, which can be very diverse creatively if you do your homework about making effective, aesthetically crisp, and applicable content through 3D Media and textures.

But I have to wonder: what do screenshots of WoW have to do with Dragonstar? I was hoping to hear something from someone who is involved with Dragonstar or else Fantasy Flight Games. Your username is 'unknown' and your link is off-site. Is this spam? Who moderates here?

I am Will (xidoraven), a member of Elftown, Second Life, various artist and creative communities, and a role-playing game and online (wiki) rpg/creative writing veteran. I would like to moderate this forum if no one else is.

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Thank you! gui%C3%B1o.gif

Where are the Dragonstar players now?! I didn't see this until only recently, and it looks like an amazing game... Why did it make such a poor impact? Poor marketing, placement or just bad market conditions? Why is it no longer supported?

I fully recommend handing the licensing to someone for a new version or continuing community support. I like the materials I currently have - I would start a game in this in an instant. I wish I had a rallying party with me right now. I just don't understand how I never saw it before a couple months ago, and why there is no interest in it. Great illustrations, great concept, and excellent materials...? Who wouldn't love this?

If I ever ask my d-20 players which campaign they prefer to play, I hear Dragonstar first. Even if it is 3.0, everyone is willing to get out their old books and create a new character. The sheer depth and innovation is wonderful, enabling new ideas that were not possible before this campaign. I add my voice to either bring it back or sell the franchise to someone who can take it and bring new ideas to it. FFG did a great job with this game. I would love to see more.

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baggymacaw said:

If I ever ask my d-20 players which campaign they prefer to play, I hear Dragonstar first. Even if it is 3.0, everyone is willing to get out their old books and create a new character. The sheer depth and innovation is wonderful, enabling new ideas that were not possible before this campaign. I add my voice to either bring it back or sell the franchise to someone who can take it and bring new ideas to it. FFG did a great job with this game. I would love to see more.



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Has anyone done the conversion for pathfinder and is willing to share I am really interested in tryin g to incorporate some Sci fi into a pathfinder campaign...