Came across this talent (exhaust port; PG 100 F&D) it states that "before attacking a Starship or vehicle, the character can spend a destiny point to ignore the effects of the massive rule for the attack." What page and book is the massive rule found in?
Exhaust port
it upgrades the critical advantages needed. what would normally be crit 3 is 4 against it. you can tell if ship is massive by the stat block will say massive
Age of Rebellion page 279 under the Dreadnaught Class ship. Massive 1 and Massive 3 are in the book. It explains the Massive Rule in the entry. Pretty cool talent.
thanks guys couldn't for the life of me find it
No problem. Glad to help. It wasn't in the glossary!
yeah, I had to do asearch on the word massive in the pdf chore book to find it. we're talking about it now in the massive damage thread in the eote forum
Edited by miishelleyeah, I had to do asearch on the word massive in the pdf chore book to find it. we're talking about it now in the massive damage thread in the eote forum
Surely you mean "AoR Beta Update", because anything else would be illegal.
Playtesters also get a full searchable pdf...
Totally gonna miss that convenience when the book i tested goes gold...
It's also possible she scanned in her entire core book, ran it through an OCR and indexed it in Acrobat and did a finalized save-out...
It's a chore, but not as bad as you think, though to do it with any kind of speed you have to cut every page out of the book.
Edited by GhostofmanIf elected Supreme Chancellor, I will make pdfs of rulebooks legal.