Yet another paint job post

By Dangerbunny, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

Just occurred to me that a paint subforum would be good for Imperial Assault. Seems like almost everyone is slinging paint and is rightly proud.

So here's my first couple o minis.

BTW one of the best games our group has played in a long while FF should be proud.

Lord Vader




Officer and Trooper


Gideon, not the best photo though.


I am very impressed by your Vader. Looks like it would be a joy to put on the table.

I suppose a painting forum could be good, but I don't really see the need. With a subforum for the two game modes, the general forum is pretty much open to painting and mods or predictions, expectations, and desires for future expansions.

What general forum?? Pretty sure its a painting forum as more than 60% of posts are about painting.

Vader looks awesome. Great lighting effect.

What technique did you use for the saber itself? I like the way it turned out. I see a lot of people just paint it red, but I want it to actually look like a lightsaber, with a white center and a red glow, and yours captures that pretty well.

I just did it dark red (khorne red), then a slighter brighter red (Mephiston red), then started mixing a little white into the bright red to make irregular lines down the length of the blade. With a light pink start the white triangle at the base and a line all the way to the top, then with pure white go over the pink. Very thin lines or not even a complete line from the base triangle to the tip, then with the bright red define the base triangle to make it stand out. Then a pink circle on the end (sharp bit?) of the sabre with a white dot in the middle.

Not explained well but hope it helps.

That light sourcing from the saber onto Vader himself is impressive...most impressive.

Yeah, that saber glow is badass.

finished Fenn the other night, cant wait to do the twilek jedi and get some blue OST going on.



Edited by Dangerbunny

For Fenn, was that a black or white primer?

Humbrol Acrylic grey primer