Scale of Star Wars Command figures?

By jpthebrit, in Star Wars: Imperial Assault

Does anyone know if the Star Wars Command figures are an appropriate scale for IA? I've seen pictures of some of them painted and they look of OK quality.

I was thinking of getting the set with Rebels crew in as I thought they'd make good custom heroes (or allies).

Not sure. I know the WOTC minis fit well

I was interested in this myself a couple weeks ago. Someone answered the questions over at BoardGameGeek:

One person said they tried it and they were "ALOT larger" and that they didn't paint well. Further down that thread someone links to for some other minis. But I don't know if those are on scale with IA.

The Command figures are "Green Army Men" sized, and about that sort of quality as well.

Generally they wouldnt fit inside an Assault square and would be 1.5 to 2 times taller than the Assault minis.

In wargaming terms, Assault minis are 25-28mm...which isnt a scale, just a vaguely confusing 'how tall would an average human be (sometimes to the eyes, sometimes to the top of head)' reference.

Star Wars Miniatures would all be roughly in scale to the Assault stuff.