Used copy missing 2 monster cards, any ideas?

By S.A.Harris, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I was given a copy of Descent (the big, core box) by a friend who is moving. When I checked all the components, the only things missing are 2 monster stat cards. I was curious if anyone knew of a way to get these without buying a second set. If I have to pick up a second set, does anyone know if there are any updated stats on the re-print hitting stores soon, making it worth it?


The easiest option would probably be to find a monster reference player aid online and print it out, then just use that and leave the monster cards in the box. Some people do this anyway to save on table space. Some such player aids are available on boardgamegeek, and probably numerous other sites.

For replacement cards, you could try writing to FFG customer support. They're generally very good about replacing missing or defective components from new games, but since you acquired it used, I'm not sure what, if anything, they'll do for you.

As far as monster stat changes, the only changes have been to the beastmen (replacing piercing with +damage) and skeletons (adding piercing). There are updated stat cards for these monsters included in the Well of Darkness expansion. I'm not sure if any printings of the base game include the updated stats, but if those happen to be the cards you're missing, you should definitely buy the Well of Darkness expansion before you consider getting a second copy of the base game.

Note that there should be two cards of stats for each monster--one for 2/3 players (which are actually the same) and one for 4/5 players.

Antistone said:

As far as monster stat changes, the only changes have been to the beastmen (replacing piercing with +damage) and skeletons (adding piercing). There are updated stat cards for these monsters included in the Well of Darkness expansion. I'm not sure if any printings of the base game include the updated stats, but if those happen to be the cards you're missing, you should definitely buy the Well of Darkness expansion before you consider getting a second copy of the base game.

I can verify (as I just bought a brand new copy of the core game that my gaming store finally was able to get in after about 2 months) that the updated Beastman and Skeleton cards are part of current editions of the core game. (and as a side note for anyone who might care, the names of the creatures on all the creature stat cards in the set are in a slightly more stylized font and smaller size). So if those are the ones you are missing, I could mail you my spares.

Thanks for your help.

Since it is apparent that the re-print has updated cards, I may think about getting that since I would like to have more boards and minis anyway....( I am the guy that used to put 4 heroquest boards together to play all day! ). I plan on getting all the expansions anyway. I am not sure which monsters they are but I have all the 4/5 cards, I am missing 2 of the 2/3 cards. In the meantime, I will settle for the Well of Darkness expansion.

Thanks again.

S.A.Harris said:

Thanks for your help.

Since it is apparent that the re-print has updated cards, I may think about getting that since I would like to have more boards and minis anyway....( I am the guy that used to put 4 heroquest boards together to play all day! ). I plan on getting all the expansions anyway. I am not sure which monsters they are but I have all the 4/5 cards, I am missing 2 of the 2/3 cards. In the meantime, I will settle for the Well of Darkness expansion.

Thanks again.

You can't really effectively play with the 2/3 cards, anyway...because winning with only 2 heroes is nigh impossible. So...I personally wouldn't worry about it. The 4/5 cards are really the only ones I ever use for vanilla...and mostly just the 5 side.

The game does work rather poorly with only 2 heroes.

Also, for reference, the 2/3 stats for monsters are exactly the same as the 4 stats, except with one less wound. (And the 5 stats just have one extra wound.)

I find it funny to hear people say the game does not work well with two heroes. Descent (without any expansions) is the first fantasy flight game I ever played. My boyfriend really wanted to play and I was the only person around, so I ran two heroes while he ran OL. I'm sure he wasn't playing as absolutely ruthless as he could have, but he wasn't changing rules to my advantage either. I won just fine with my two heroes and had a good time doing it.

That's just my thoughts on playing with only two heroes.

I'm glad to hear this Kaella. I've been avoiding any Descent game that didn't use 4 Heroes because I have read so many post about it not be balanced correctly with any less.
I'll give it a go sometime. I'm excited that it might offer a much shorter game time too! I mean, I do enjoy the long hauls but sometime it would be nice to wrap up a little sooner :)


Kaella said:

I find it funny to hear people say the game does not work well with two heroes. Descent (without any expansions) is the first fantasy flight game I ever played. My boyfriend really wanted to play and I was the only person around, so I ran two heroes while he ran OL. I'm sure he wasn't playing as absolutely ruthless as he could have, but he wasn't changing rules to my advantage either. I won just fine with my two heroes and had a good time doing it.

That's just my thoughts on playing with only two heroes.