Opinions on an optimal Z-95 Squad

By MacchuWA, in X-Wing

how long since ive read some Z-95 swarm suggestion ;) ? good times indeed.... finnaly some goood thread to read thorugh instead of these complainin threads like fix this fis that blah blah .

try out airen craken hes awesome with swarm tactics and so on *thumbs up*

I'm bringing a Tarn+R7, 3 Talas, 3 Bandits build to the next tournament I'm going to to try it out. I like Tarn a lot since I played him. I'll see how he does as the only X-Wing in the build this time.

If you want specific list advice, I'd head over to that subsection of the forum--but in general, if you want to run a powerful list that includes a lot of Z-95s, I'd go ahead and build a mixed list with six ships. That is, pick a single centerpiece that attracts attention and (if possible) also does something to support the rest of the list. Roark, Jan, and Dutch are interesting choices, as is Etahn A'baht in an E-wing. A pilot like Keyan Farlander doesn't provide much support, but he's definitely going to attract attention, and if you build him out with something like Stay On Target + Advanced Sensors + Engine Upgrade, he can actually be very hard to take down.

I'm less interested in specific list advice than I am in just a general discussion about how to optimized Z-95 squads. My particular list is kind of a compromise between what I think is the best, and what I have available (i.e. 6 Z-95s). I'm far from certain that it's the best possible Z-95 swarm, but I'm not sure what more I can do to it. Rather than list advice, though, I was hoping to provoke some rebel swarm discussion, which seems to be happenieng.

Bandido Biggs (100)

Biggs Darklighter — X-Wing 25

Hull Upgrade 3

Bandit Squadron Pilot — Z-95 Headhunter 12

Bandit Squadron Pilot — Z-95 Headhunter 12

Bandit Squadron Pilot — Z-95 Headhunter 12

Bandit Squadron Pilot — Z-95 Headhunter 12

Bandit Squadron Pilot — Z-95 Headhunter 12

Bandit Squadron Pilot — Z-95 Headhunter 12

It's still a 7-ship, and If you can keep contact to Biggs your Bandits will be able to TL for a few rounds. This makes for a nice alphastrike, and you avoid Predator ruining your day for those turns!

I think the reason this will not work is pretty obvious though... Phantoms!

Funny you consider using a more expensive, more powerful Xwing to take hits for headhunters..

How bout this one:

Serissu (20)

Stealth Device (3)

Kaa'To Leeachos (15)

Bodyguard (2)

Binayre Pirate (12) X5

Total: 100

View in Yet Another Squad Builder

Each turn, Kaa'To (why are Star Wars names so hard to type?) steals a focus from some poor pirate and cranks Serissu up to 11, er 5 evade. Really depends on the M3-A dial and how easy it will be to stay in formation with all those Z's.

I really like this list. It is the Yang to the Yin that is Howlrunner TIE Swarm.

I like this list. Swarmy with a little bit of phantom protection. Jan boosts the attack of one of the Talas each round.

100 points
Jan Ors [Veteran Instincts, Ion Cannon Turret, Chewbacca] (35)
Tala Squadron Pilot (13) x 5

What about Etahn and 6 bandits?

Edited by Benvader

I ran this after worlds at the winter tourney - had alot of fun with it.

Biggs and the Mustache Riders


5-Bandits with Proton rockets.

I have updated it since to 3 with pros and 2 with ions.

the plan biggs takes the fire for a round or too, then you unleash holy heck on everything, then hope you mop up the rest.

IF you get the pros off its very nice, meat grinder set up. but if not you have to really do some flying with it. but it was fun to get people to bite the bait and then see how many you get off.

Edited by LukesFather

Some good opportunities for a Z-95 swarm are in epic play, when you can combine them with, for example, Dodonna or Rieekan. Has anyone here tried that?