Opinions on an optimal Z-95 Squad

By MacchuWA, in X-Wing

So, it seems to me that a general consensus has emerged around the best way to build a TIE swarm: Seven ships, Howlrunner at the core, another named pilot or two (often Dark Curse or Backstabber, it seems), then fill up the rest of the slots with academy pilots. Sure, there's variations on the theme, but the theme is prety solid and established.

However, as far as I can tell, a similar consensus has not emerged about the best way to build the Rebel mirror, the Z-95 swarm. Maybe that's because it's not as good (2 defence dice isn't really compensated for by one extra shield), or maybe it's just a consequence of the two ships having been released into vastly different metagame environments - I'm not sure. So I thought I'd tap the collective wisdom of the forums and see what shook out. :)

I figure there are a couple of relevant factors when deciding what to play here:

1 - Do any of the Named Pilots justify their inclusion?

2 - Are missiles worth the points?

If the answer to both questions is no, then the answer is simple: 4 Talas, 4 Bandits, for 8 ships. That's a solid, if unexciting build, but with just two attack dice across the board, I'm not sure whether it has the firepower to end matches, and, FWIW, I don't think that the answer to both questions is actually No.

Firstly, both named pilots are pretty good - Free Action with Cracken for 19 points and a guaranteed hit from Lt. Blount, and they both come relatively cheaply.

As for missiles, I know that they're out of favour at the moment, but I think that the Z-95 swarm is a case where they really are potentially quite valuable. Obviously, the Lt. Blount/Assault missiles combo is fantastic against swarms, and Proton Rockets, while not as impressive on the Z-95 (4 dice) as on the A-Wing (5 dice), still double its attacking power for one turn. I also think that the current two-ship meta makes missiles somewhat more valuable than they may have been in the past.

Let's assume that a two-ship build is likely to average more or less one Headhunter kill per combat round - you'd expect, say, a Decimator/Phantom build, or a Fat Han/Corran build to focus fire on one Headhunter and, between them, do enough damage to kill it 9 times out of 10. So your game is not going to be a long one - odds are, it'll be over in 12 rounds or under (A seven member swarm will last 7 combat rounds + 2 rounds to get into range, plus a bit of leeway to account for occasions when your opponent may not quite have a firing option later in the game).

Under those circumstances, each Headhunter can expect to throw and average of 6 red dice over the course of the game total. For a seven member swarm, assuming a loss of one headhunter per turn (including the first turn without getting a shot back due to low pilots skills), that's 12 red dice, then 10, then 8, 6,4 and 2 (total 42) divided by 7 headhunters (6 on average each). An Eight member swarm does slightly better, with an average of seven red dice per ship. (Note that these numbers assume that range 1 and range 3 shots cancel each other out on average - that may not be the case, but it wont affect the numbers much).

If you run the same numbers for a six member squad with Proton Rockets, it turns out slightly differently. Assume that 5 headhunters get to fire their missiles before they're destroyed (20 red dice), then they have standard primary attacks for 8, 6, 4, then 2 - that's an average of 6.667 red dice per headhunter - slightly worse than an eight member squad in raw numbers, but it's important to remember that half of those red dice are rolled as 4 dice attacks, which have a much, much lower chance of being evaded than two dice attacks.

Obvciously, those are very rough numbers - there are plenty of factors that complicate them - range restrictions on missiles, the use of munitions failsafe so that you may get a second crack with your prockets, unlucky rolling on the other side, bad flaying of the Z-95s that prevent maximum utilization etc. etc. But I still think that missiles make sense in a Z-95 swarm.

So, this is the list that I will be fielding my next opportunity:

Lt Blount + Assault Missiles + Munitions Failsafe + Deadeye: 24

Bandit Squadron + Proton Rockets + Munitions Failsafe: 16

Bandit Squadron + Proton Rockets + Munitions Failsafe: 16

Bandit Squadron + Proton Rockets + Munitions Failsafe: 16

Bandit Squadron + Proton Rockets + Munitions Failsafe: 16

Bandit Squadron: 12

Total: 100 Points

The Assault missiles are there to break up or punish other swarms, with munitions failsafe just in case the miussile misses (With Lt Blounts ability, I would still get the splash damage, and the get to fire it again another time). That said, it's a low probability event, and I'm not 100% sold on Deadeye vs. Elusiveness - those 2 green dice are just dangerous - so I could scrap it if need be.

For me personally, this list would require me to proxy the fourth Prockets card, so I would have to consider an alternative (likely Ion missiles) in any official tournaments, but that doesn't really affect its general usefulness. I'd like to hear opinions about the build, but more than that I'd love to hear peoples opinions about Z-95 swarms generally - what are good options, have you flown one/against one? Are they effective? And is there one optimal, 7 TIE Howlrunner-esque build for the Z-95, or does one just not exist?

Edited by MacchuWA

1) Blount and Failsafe are mutually exclusive.

2) I think Clusters might be a stronger choice over PRockets + MF. If your plan is to deliver a strong punch at R1 Clusters attack twice granting more chances to strip Evades and Focus. Also If your planning on an R1 Strike getting a TL shouldn't be that difficult to acquire. The difficult part is surviving the lower PS the bandits have.

Although you are trading re-Targeting options if there's multiple R1 targets and the leading shot vapes the Target before the trailers can spend their locks...

Edited by IvlerIin

Ordnance is not worth it. Not even on a Z-95. 8 Bandits is the way to go. Will beat even the tie swarm, I think. A dependable counter to Falcon and Decimator builds. Phantoms will be a little tricky, but with 8 ships, you should be able to block, especially if you placed your asteroids sensibly.

So I realised, the wording of Lieutenant Blount is:

When attacking, the defender is hit by your attack, even if he does not suffer any damage.

And the Ion Pulse Missile text reads:
Attack [Target Lock]: Discard this card to perform this attack. If the attack hits, the defender suffers 1 damage and receives 2 ion tokens. Then cancel all dice results. Attack: 3. Range 2-3.

That means that all you have to do with blount is to survive long enough to fire that one missile and you have sucsefully Ioned that large ship you wanted to move that one foreward... You don't need to hit with any dice, since all that is required is that you hit. And you are guaranteed to hit with Blount.

It is a one shot, but a guaranteed one shot that will do what you want.

There is no Howlrunner for the Z-95.

Howlrunner her ability makes it so that every TIE Fighter near her becomes better. There is no such a Z-95 pilot, and that is the biggest reason why Z-95 swarms are far and wide between.

So I realised, the wording of Lieutenant Blount is:

When attacking, the defender is hit by your attack, even if he does not suffer any damage.

And the Ion Pulse Missile text reads:

Attack [Target Lock]: Discard this card to perform this attack. If the attack hits, the defender suffers 1 damage and receives 2 ion tokens. Then cancel all dice results. Attack: 3. Range 2-3.

That means that all you have to do with blount is to survive long enough to fire that one missile and you have sucsefully Ioned that large ship you wanted to move that one foreward... You don't need to hit with any dice, since all that is required is that you hit. And you are guaranteed to hit with Blount.

It is a one shot, but a guaranteed one shot that will do what you want.

Personally I don't think we will see a effective Z-95 swarm untill we get some new named pilots for the ship. Cracken's ability is good, but not effective in a large group. Blount's is awesome for a "single" guy. But not group friendly. I'm not even going to speculate what those powers are going to end up being. But they should affect multiple ships.

Z-95's do have TL, though. If you can get the TL, you are even more improved than Howlrunner as you can roll both again. Of course, it doesn't work on that first approach as you will never get the TL.

I also disagree with Howlrunner. I think she isn't worth it. I know I'm in the minority, though.

Edited by heychadwick

Ordnance is not worth it. Not even on a Z-95. 8 Bandits is the way to go. Will beat even the tie swarm, I think. A dependable counter to Falcon and Decimator builds. Phantoms will be a little tricky, but with 8 ships, you should be able to block, especially if you placed your asteroids sensibly.

I am not saying 8 Bandits can't beat a TIE Swarm, but 2 attack dice ships often have difficulty reliable targeting 3 agility ships. If the TIE. Also nothing boosts the performance of a swarm of any kind like Howelrunner.

Overall, all else being equal a TIE Swarm will beat a Z-95 Swarm.

So, it seems to me that a general consensus has emerged around the best way to build a TIE swarm: Seven ships, Howlrunner at the core, another named pilot or two (often Dark Curse or Backstabber, it seems), then fill up the rest of the slots with academy pilots. Sure, there's variations on the theme, but the theme is prety solid and established.

A couple of the Worlds champions ran 8 TIE swarms (4x Academy 4x Obsidian) in the nationals. It's a very different beast but very potent. It's a little weaker in terms of firepower (it's got an extra 2 dice gun but that's not as good as having Howlrunner) but it isn't shackled to formation meaning the TIEs are getting full use out of their dials and maneuverability.

8 Bandits is the way to go.

4 Bandits and 4 Talas, surely?

Edited by TIE Pilot

Bandido Biggs (100)

Biggs Darklighter — X-Wing 25

Hull Upgrade 3

Bandit Squadron Pilot — Z-95 Headhunter 12

Bandit Squadron Pilot — Z-95 Headhunter 12

Bandit Squadron Pilot — Z-95 Headhunter 12

Bandit Squadron Pilot — Z-95 Headhunter 12

Bandit Squadron Pilot — Z-95 Headhunter 12

Bandit Squadron Pilot — Z-95 Headhunter 12

It's still a 7-ship, and If you can keep contact to Biggs your Bandits will be able to TL for a few rounds. This makes for a nice alphastrike, and you avoid Predator ruining your day for those turns!

I think the reason this will not work is pretty obvious though... Phantoms!

Edited by ForceM

So, I had a look, and Merlin is indeed right - Munitions Failsafe cannot work with Lt Blount. So that saves me a point, but I think I'll stick with Deadeye target than swapping to elusiveness, for the same reason that I'm reluctant to go with cluster missiles over prockets - any missile that requires a target lock limits the options for any given ship to fire them to one single ship. If that ship dodges out of arc, you can't fire your missile at anything. Given the relatively low agility on the Z-95 dial, I think that the flexibility to change your target is pretty valuable.

That said, there is something to be said for the ability to gain a target lock at range three, then carry it to the next turn, since bumping is a perennial problem in swarms - far more so in swarm vs swarm matches. So maybe there is a place for cluster missiles after all... Will have to think about that.

Actually, I think that where these missiles really shine is against TIE swarms. While I know the prevailing wisdom is that ordinance isn't worth it, I really do think that prockets have the potential to make the difference in a Z-95 vs TIE swarm-off. It's already been pointed out that two dice attacks struggle against the dice evades - add a potential evade token in there, and making hits stick becomes a serious mission. However, even a single volley of four dice attacks (all of which will have a focus token) is going to make a big difference to that equation. Combine that with the damage that Lt Blount's assault missiles will probably do (or the breakdown of the swarm formation tactics that he causes), and you are definitely leveling the odds.

4 bandits and 4 talas, that´s 100 points, and most of them fire before the 8 tie swarm

Z-95's do have TL, though. If you can get the TL, you are even more improved than Howlrunner as you can roll both again. Of course, it doesn't work on that first approach as you will never get the TL.

I also disagree with Howlrunner. I think she isn't worth it. I know I'm in the minority, though.

In the minority, perhaps, but not alone. In a big tie swarm, Howlrunner will die in the first round, second round max. Howlrunner only works, if there is a similar fire magnet about to give the opponent a headache.

8 Bandits is the way to go.

4 Bandits and 4 Talas, surely?

No, Bandits only. There is a considerable tactical advantage in having ships with the same pilot skill and this increases with the number of ships. You can choose who goes first, making tight maneuvering a lot easier and assure optimal distribution of fire.

How bout scum? I know it is not a true Z swarm but Serissu and 6 Z-95's could be interesting.

Serissu (20)
Binayre Pirate (12) (x4)
Feedback Array (2)
Binayre Pirate (12) (x2)
Could trade out the feedback arrays and try a stealth device on Serissu. Serissu might affect the longevity of the Z's enough to make things interesting. I think I like the idea of stealth device, do you go for the support ship first and try to chew through four green dice? Although the feedback array would work wonders on a phantom.
I'm not sure, but I this list might just be interesting to fly...

8 Bandits is the way to go.

4 Bandits and 4 Talas, surely?

No, Bandits only. There is a considerable tactical advantage in having ships with the same pilot skill and this increases with the number of ships. You can choose who goes first, making tight maneuvering a lot easier and assure optimal distribution of fire.

And a considerable tactical disadvantage to not getting to jump the gun on the game's other generics, only spending 96 points on your squad and doubling the Predator vunerability of your squad.

You fly them in two blocks of four. If you're flying eight ships in a block with no formation buff you're wasting their potential anyway.

that is the biggest reason why Z-95 swarms are far and wide between.

That and having to buy 8 Z-95 blisters to run one list that isn't really that good. TIE fighters are easier to stock up on and have more options.

I really do think that prockets have the potential to make the difference in a Z-95 vs TIE swarm-off.
while not as impressive on the Z-95 (4 dice) as on the A-Wing (5 dice), still double its attacking power for one turn.

False, as Proton Rockets are Range 1 only. At Range 1, the Z-95 has three attack dice. You're only getting one die on one R1 attack (assuming the Z lives to get the Range 1 shot) for each procket you buy. It's the same reason you don't see them on TIE defenders: it's not really worth it.

In a big tie swarm, Howlrunner will die in the first round, second round max. Howlrunner only works, if there is a similar fire magnet about to give the opponent a headache.

Or if you kit her out with defences and position her at the back of the pack. Even if she does get focused her Range 3 bonus, defensive tokens and Stealth Device are likely to cancel more damage than if the Academies were attacked. An 18 pt Biggs (or 21pt four agility Biggs) is fine by mine.

Plus, even if Howlrunner dies fast that's still a round or two of mini-TLs for the TIE fighter. And if Howl dies, you've lost a TIE fighter. If they hadn't focused Howl you'd have lost a TIE fighter anyway.

Z-95's do have TL, though. If you can get the TL, you are even more improved than Howlrunner as you can roll both again.

Howlrunner is better than Target Lock, otherwise you'd see TIE fighters with Targeting Computer. Howlrunner is a free mini-TL every turn. You've got a 0.125 chance of double blanking if you've got focus. On a two dice ship F/TL beats Howlrunner Focus 12.5% of the time. The Z-95 can only F/TL every other turn (and sacrifices an action to do it) whereas Howlrunner does it every turn.

The TIE fighter is simply a better swarm craft than the Z-95. The Z-95 was designed to be filler and a missile carrier, its article specifically states it's not a swarmer. The TIE outdances the Z and the TIE swarm outguns the Z swarm.

Edited by TIE Pilot

So, it seems to me that a general consensus has emerged around the best way to build a TIE swarm: Seven ships, Howlrunner at the core, another named pilot or two (often Dark Curse or Backstabber, it seems), then fill up the rest of the slots with academy pilots. Sure, there's variations on the theme, but the theme is prety solid and established.

The reason for this structure for a typical swarm is that you start with Howlrunner, who costs 18 points. 100 - 18 = 82 and 82/12 = 6.83, so you can fit no more than six additional TIE fighters into your swarm. Six Academy Pilots cost 72 points, leaving 10 points for upgrades (including upgrades from Academy Pilot to a unique pilot).

So, having determined that you want to run Howlrunner, the rest of your build is driven by arithmetic. The reason there's no equivalent consensus on Z-95 swarms is because there's no Rebel equivalent to Howlrunner, which means there's no obvious central organizing principle.

My personal preference with Headhunters is to use 2-3 of them to fill in the gaps in a Rebel list. For 24 points you can buy a single X-wing or B-wing, or you can buy two Headhunters; from the standpoint of durability and typically from the standpoint of attacking power, the Headhunters are a better purchase.

When you start using 4 or more of them, though, the opportunity cost grows: the number of good things you're not including in your list because it's full of Headhunters is so large that it's more and more difficult to make the argument that there's nothing better out there than four or five or six or eight Headhunters.

However, as far as I can tell, a similar consensus has not emerged about the best way to build the Rebel mirror, the Z-95 swarm. Maybe that's because it's not as good (2 defence dice isn't really compensated for by one extra shield)...

This definitely isn't true. 2 Agility with 4 hit points is about as durable on average as 3 Agility with 3 hit points, and the fact that the Z-95 has shields balances things out fairly precisely. Again, the reason 7-ship Z-95 swarms haven't caught on isn't that the ship is no good, but that Howlrunner dictates the structure of most lists that include her.

I figure there are a couple of relevant factors when deciding what to play here:

1 - Do any of the Named Pilots justify their inclusion?

2 - Are missiles worth the points?

(1) Yes, although not necessarily in a swarm.

(2) Sometimes, although not necessarily en masse .

Cracken's ability works nicely in a list of between three and five ships where action-passing gets you some particular advantage or set of advantages. Blount's ability works nicely in a list of any size, but it's not cheap (because you have to buy Blount and a missile) and it only works once--so the answer to #1 depends at least in part on the answer to #2.

If the answer to both questions is no, then the answer is simple: 4 Talas, 4 Bandits, for 8 ships. That's a solid, if unexciting build, but with just two attack dice across the board, I'm not sure whether it has the firepower to end matches...

A single ship with 2 Attack is pretty weak; eight of them are actually fairly strong, unless you're looking at a list of extremely agile ships (meaning three defense dice plus some kind of defensive upgrade). The major weakness of an eight-ship swarm isn't attack power, it's maneuverability: there are too many ships that can move after you do and use barrel roll, boost, or even cloak to deny your firing arcs without losing their own ability to attack.

A well-flown Phantom with Advanced Cloaking Device is, quite literally, a match for a swarm all by itself.

Lt Blount + Assault Missiles + Munitions Failsafe + Deadeye: 24

Bandit Squadron + Proton Rockets + Munitions Failsafe: 16

Bandit Squadron + Proton Rockets + Munitions Failsafe: 16

Bandit Squadron + Proton Rockets + Munitions Failsafe: 16

Bandit Squadron + Proton Rockets + Munitions Failsafe: 16

Bandit Squadron: 12

Total: 100 Points

...I'd like to hear opinions about the build...

Your numbers are rough, as you say, but it seems to me they indicate that spending the points on Proton Rockets (although I dearly love them) aren't worth the opportunity cost of another ship (which adds not only attack power but durability to the list). You only get around that fact by saying that a 4-dice attack with Proton Rockets is less likely to be evaded than a regular attack. That's true, and it's important in a lot of ways, but you have to pay attention to what you're losing in order to get those attacks.

Again, accepting your numbers, the eight-ship list gets 56 red dice and the six-ship list with Proton Rockets gets 40. Ordnance in general can offer an advantage by helping front-load your damage, but that's not really the case with Proton Rockets due to the range requirement.

If you want specific list advice, I'd head over to that subsection of the forum--but in general, if you want to run a powerful list that includes a lot of Z-95s, I'd go ahead and build a mixed list with six ships. That is, pick a single centerpiece that attracts attention and (if possible) also does something to support the rest of the list. Roark, Jan, and Dutch are interesting choices, as is Etahn A'baht in an E-wing. A pilot like Keyan Farlander doesn't provide much support, but he's definitely going to attract attention, and if you build him out with something like Stay On Target + Advanced Sensors + Engine Upgrade, he can actually be very hard to take down.

How bout this one:

Serissu (20)
Stealth Device (3)
Kaa'To Leeachos (15)
Bodyguard (2)
Binayre Pirate (12) X5
Total: 100
Each turn, Kaa'To (why are Star Wars names so hard to type?) steals a focus from some poor pirate and cranks Serissu up to 11, er 5 evade. Really depends on the M3-A dial and how easy it will be to stay in formation with all those Z's.

I will say that a Z-95 swarm doesn't have to fly in formation. Or, not in one big formation. You can have two groups of four, or even four groups of two.

A big disadvantage of Howlrunner is that you have to fly in formation. Works like a charm against the Falcon, but not so much against Phantoms. And there are people who use Assault Missiles.

I just lifted this from iNano78 off BBG:

Etahn A'baht (E-wing) + R2-D2
Bandit (Z-95) + Cluster Missiles
Bandit (Z-95) + Cluster Missiles
Bandit (Z-95) + Cluster Missiles
Bandit (Z-95) + Cluster Missiles

Shame you can't put ruthlessness on Blout...

4 Talas, 4 Bandits. Bingo.

4 bandits and 4 talas, that´s 100 points, and most of them fire before the 8 tie swarm

Yeah, but the Academies can do a lot of blocking and denial of actions. It would be a cluster of a game and likely not fun.